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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 

Maddox gazed skyward as the helicopter roared overhead, his jaw nearly hitting the floor

Who knew sports cars could sprout wings these days? This was some nextlevel tech

Huffing and puffing, the Fuller family finally rolled up in their rickety old truck to the gates of Verdant Gardens

Maddox, didn’t you say Noella was back? Where’s the girl?” 

Maddox pointed towards the sky, a smirk curling his lips. She just took off, man. You gonna chase after her?” 

What? She left already? Why didn’t you stop her!” 

Chase a helicopter? With what, their beatup pickup

They had been counting on Noella agreeing to marry Ellsworth Fuller, hoping Vincent would cough up the cash to clear Ellsworth’s mountain of gambling debts! Now she was gone, and they were left with no leads

Maddox, do you know who bought this place? How come it’s sold, and Noella can still stay here?” 

Maddox chuckled and took a few puffs of his pipe. Of course, it’s Ms. Noella’s own kin. They bought the house for her. From now on, this beauty belongs to Ms. Noella, so you lot can kiss your dreams goodbye.” 

The house was Noella’s

The Fullers stood there, dumbstruck

Didn’t Vincent say Noella’s folks were just some poor chicken farmers from Emerald County? Where did they get the dough to buy her a house?” 

They must’ve been pulling our leg. Noella’s family can’t be poor! Otherwise, how could she afford a chopper ride? I say her marrying Ellsworth could be our ticket to the high life!” 

If Noella’s family was loaded, not only would Ellsworth’s debts vanish, but the Fullers could be swimming in luxury

With that thought, the Fullers left, visions of dollar signs dancing in their heads

Maddox watched them go, then dialed Beckett on the sly

Beckett had left his number with Maddox during Verdant Gardenslast renovation, telling him to call if he ever needed anything

Beckett, who was sneakily checking security footage, answered Maddox’s call. He was now kicking himself for not installing cameras inside the house as well

The garden cams showed too little



Chapter 116 

Thankfully, Palmer hadn’t done anything outrageous. He even took care to cater to his sister’s tastes at dinner, moving with practiced ease. Clearly, he’d been at this a while. It was obvious Palmer had looked after Noella in the past; otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so smooth about 

  1. it

Mr. Beckett Schnabel, the Fullers seem to have their sights set on Ms. Noella. They’re hoping she’ll marry their gambling addict.” 

What the heck? They think they can set their sights on my sister? I’m on it!” 

Beckett hung up and continued to watch the feed. Seeing his sister upset about past events. made his heart ache. He wished he could tear apart anyone who had been unkind to her

Luckily, Palmer seemed to know how to comfort her, which made Beckett warm up to him a bit

Beckett’s brother Jasper walked in.. 

Beckett, the Rosenberg and Fuller families want to settle with cash, keep it out of court. What do you think?” 

Ten million, not a dollar less. Otherwise, they can rot in jail.Beckett was not one to nurse their troubles

Ten million would bankrupt both families; they’d have to sell properties to scrape it together

Why not keep them locked up for a while?” 

No need. They’ll just end up in some cushy hospital ward. Let em pay for their freedom and their medicine.” 

With Vincent and Zachary’s funds tied up in legal troubles, paying for healthcare wouldn’t be 


Among the Schnabel siblings, Beckett, the eldest, seemed the most harmless but was actually the most cunning. The future helmsman of the Schnabel family was decisive and swift

Meanwhile, the helicopter landed on the lawn of Imperial West Hospital, stirring up a whirlwind before rolling into the parking garage, reemerging as a sleek car

Palmer emerged with a gift from the trunk, approaching Noella. For the old gents, as a get well soonpresent.” 

Noella glanced sideways. When did you get these?” 

Just the other day. I figured since we were heading home, we’d need something to cheer up the granddads, what with them being so stubborn.” 

Palmer had a knack for dealing with the old timers, knowing exactly how to play to their moods. Stepping into the hospital room, Marcel sat up straight, pretending he hadn’t been craning his neck in anticipation. What took you so long?” 

Chapter 118 

Just swung by the old homestead, paid my respects to Old Mrs. Lambert.” 

Marcel nodded, exhaling deeply. That’s the right thing to do. When I’m up and about, I’ll go with you. Old Mrs. Lambert’s been a guardian angel to the Schnabels; she deserves our thanks.” 

The entire Schnabel family held Old Mrs. Lambert in high regard, grateful for how she’d cherished their Noella like a precious gem

Palmer handed over the gifts to the two old men

Grandpa, Grandpa Marcel, Noella and I picked these out for you both. Congratulations on getting out.” 

The old men’s faces bloomed with smiles

Noella’s always been the thoughtful one. Let’s see what you’ve got us, kiddo.” 

Noella herself was curious about Palmer’s choice. Upon opening the box, she found the latest autumn scarf and hat from Master Azure, namely herself

Noella rarely took up needle and thread herself, but it just so happened that she had casua crafted these items to test the softness and skinfriendliness of the latest fabric developed by Polaris Star

To her surprise, Palmer swiftly claimed them, dividing them into two separate gifts

Sexton immediately donned the hat, grinning like a Cheshire cat. How do I look?” 

Not to be outdone, Marcel wrapped the scarf around his neck. Noella, do I look dashing or 


Looking sharp, Granddad! The fabric for both the scarf and beanie was developed by Elara’s lab. It’s not even on the market yet.” 

Elara’s lab had a partnership with Polaris Star. The fabric originated from Elara’s chickens, with Polaris Star’s additional touches, it turned into what it was now

Marcel chuckled, Elara’s work, huh? That girl is a true Schnabel, bright and brilliant!” 

Sexton piped up, elbowing his way into the conversation, Does Elara have a beau yet? We’ve got more grandsons. Maybe she’d like to take her pick?” 

Get outta here, you shameless old coot. Elara’s already said she’s wed to her research for life. Besides, do any of your brood have the smarts to match up with Elara?” 


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