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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129 

Did Ms. Noella have a trick up her sleeve? Was she considering borrowing the entire Schnabel family’s art collection for the exhibit

If the Schnabels were willing to lend their pieces, it would indeed solve the gallery’s dilemma

If the Schnabelspaintings could be shipped in time, we might just pull this off. But I wonder how many of Master Killian’s paintings they actually have.” 

Noella shook her head, dismissing the suggestion. “We don’t need to borrow from the Schnabels. There aren’t even thirty of Master Killian’s paintings across the entire Imperial City,” 

So, what’s your plan, Ms. Noella?” 

Noella scribbled and sketched, quickly passing her new gallery layout to Travis. Get to setting up the exhibit. I’ll handle the materials. Pay the workers triple for today, and overtime is extra.” 

Travis’s eyes widened as he looked at the new gallery design Noella handed him

The original exhibition design had cost the gallery a pretty penny, commissioned from a professional team. Yet Noella’s changes elevated the whole aesthetic to a new level

Ms. Noella, your design is sheer genius! With your simple tweaks, the initial concept has been transformed magnificently. It’s like you’ve worked a miracle! Absolutely brilliant! Not only is it better, but it also saves materials and complements Master Killian’s pastoral oil paintings even more. Even if we’re short on artworks tomorrow, the exhibit itself will be enough to draw


Could this be the backup plan Ms. Noella had prepared

Travis could hardly contain his excitement

Noella casually tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and spoke coolly, Half the staff have vanished, suppliers have suddenly become uncooperative. As the manager, care to explain?” 

Travis’s smile faltered

When Noella had walked into the gallery earlier, she hadn’t seemed to look around, and Travis had even removed the staff attendance records for the past two days, fearing she’d notice the issue

Still, Ms. Noella had uncovered the problem

Under Noella’s probing gaze, Travis wiped his brow and said defensively, Ms. Noella, the Gruber family’s new gallery poached our staff!” 

If it weren’t for the staff defection, with artists in limbo and suppliers pulling out, the exhibition wouldn’t be facing such dire straits

They left us?” 



Chapter 129 

Yes, one of our senior managers took her entire team with her.” 

Such mass defections weren’t unheard of, but it was a blow, considering the defectors were in charge of the exhibit in question

Travis seethed at the thought. Petra crossed a line. She knew how much we invested in this exhibition and how many media professionals we invited. The upfront costs were substantial. If we can’t deliver due to this lastminute fiasco, the Gruber’s new gallery will overshadow us! To leave is one thing, but her timing suggests malice! She even claimed we wronged her, though her salary was nearly higher than mine.” 

As Travis vented his indignation, Noella glanced at her phone nonchalantly

Messages from the Schnabel family and Palmer filled her screen, which Noella replied to with a series of emojis

If she didn’t respond, the Schnabels might come looking for her after work. The thought alone was amusing to Noella, but unnecessary. Emojis would suffice

Amid the office commotion, a woman in heels strode in with an air of superiority, looking down 

at Noella

Ms. Noella, you haven’t signed my resignation letter, and I’ve yet to receive my compensation from the company.” 

Travis nearly exploded with anger upon seeing her. Petra, how dare you show your face here? Why would the gallery owe you anything?” 

Petra smirked with disdain at Travis. I fronted the cost for materials for each exhibit, and the gallery has docked my pay. Plus, they owe me bonuses for all my overtime. Now that Ms. Noella is here, let’s settle this.” 

She placed an itemized bill on Noella’s desk

Travis’s face turned crimson with rage

How shameless of Petra

Noella chuckled lightly at the list. “Do you even understand the law?” 

Ms. Noella, what do you mean by that? I’m entitled to compensation according to labor laws.” 

Resigning of your own accord and you need my signature? Besides, considering your history of kickbacks, we definitely need to settle accounts.” 

Petra’s smug expression vanished as she faced the 19yearold girl

What could she know? Just a spoiled girl, clueless and coddled by her family. Petra had even hinted at a raise, yet Noella had ignored it

Now, with the Gruber family’s gallery offering her a lucrative deal to manage, Petra thought she could stir up trouble and possibly gain from it

Chapter 129 

Ms. Noella, what do you mean by that? The gallery never reimbursed me for the materials.” 

Noella nodded, booted up her computer and accessed the backend system. Her slender fingers danced across the keyboard, quickly pulling up a long list of data

Here are all the exhibits you’ve worked on in your ten years at the gallery, with every material cost accounted for. Last month’s Medieval special exhibit had costs of eighteen thousand, and you claimed thirty thousand. That extra twelve thousand, was that supposed to be a gift to the gallery? Over ten years, you’ve siphoned off 3.5 million in this way. And you’re still concerned about quarterly bonuses?” 

Noella leaned back in her chair, her expression cool and detached as she regarded Petra standing before her

What are you even talking about? How can you prove these figures are legit? Do you have any idea what these materials are going for in the market?” 

With a flick of her wrist, Noella tossed a price list onto the table between them

So, enlighten me. What’s the going rate for these materials in the market? Aluminum frames for fifty grand a pop? Never heard of it.” 

Petra’s eyes scanned the price list laid out before her, which detailed almost all of the major materials needed for the exhibition, along with their market prices

Using the access Beckett had granted her, Noella swiftly navigated the company’s internal network. With a glance, she found all the information she needed, printed it out, and placed it in 

front of Petra

Travis, witnessing the scene, was completely flabbergasted as he compared Petra’s submitted quote to the market price list

How could you have the nerve to mark it up this much? Skimming off the top every exhibition, pocketing tens of thousands!” 


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