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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 

Xavier’s brow furrowed with sudden concern at the news

Taken Ill? That was news to me he seemed fine when he arrived. How does one just fall ill out of the blue?” 

Truth be told, he wasn’t overly worried about Tandy’s wellbeing. What really irked him was that just seconds ago, he’d promised Noella she’d get to see the man, and now, it seemed as though he’d orchestrated some sort of mishap. It was all too convenient

Sure enough, Noella gave Xavier a fleeting glance, a sigh escaping her lips as her fingers traced the bracelet on her wrist

Is this the kind of friend you are, Xavier? Backing out is one thing, but to pull a stunt like this after agreeingIt’s just pointless.” 

Her tone dripped with disdain and mockery, resonating in Xavier’s ears like a gong of 


Oddly enough, Xavier wasn’t the least bit angry. Instead, he slapped Magee on the back. Spill it. What exactly happened?” 

We just went to fetch Tandy from his cell and found him passed out. He’s been rushed to the infirmary.” 

Xavier waved dismissively. Wake him up. If pain’s what it takes, then do it. Let this young lady have her word with him before he kicks the bucket. Couldn’t he have picked a better time to die? How inconvenient!” 

At once, Sir!” 

With a hint of eagerness he hadn’t noticed before, Xavier rubbed his hands together and turned to Noella

Look here, young lady, what did you say your name was? I swear this isn’t my doing! You have to believe me! Do you have any more pictures or videos of your grandma? Can you show me?” 


Noella tilted her chin up, eyeing the menacing figure before her. My name is Noella. Weren’t you trying to kill me a moment ago? Playing coy now, are we?” 

Xavier chuckled awkwardly. Nice name. A credit to Harriet, no doubt. Me, kill you? I wouldn’t dare, not knowing you’re Harriet’s kin.” 

Noella’s gaze remained frosty. And yet, you’ve schemed against my grandfather more than once. Not a single Schnabel is to step foot near Lockhart Prison or they’re dead- those were your orders, weren’t they?” 

Back when Ulrich was a battlefield medic, he’d nearly lost his life on several occasions

night on the fringes of Lockhart Prison. Only Xavier, this silverhaired old man, could wield such authority in this region

Schnabels, they’re all doomed because of Marcel! If that man hadn’t betrayed Harriet, if he hadn’t remarried, would she have suffered so? Why should Marcel enjoy a life surrounded by family while Harriet lies in her grave?” 

The more Xavier spoke, the more his rage boiled over, his eyes glinting with a vengeful light. If he could, he’d fly to Harmonia Country and finish Marcel himself

Palmer stepped beside Noella, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. Xavier, Noella is my fiancée and Harriet’s very own granddaughter. The man you nearly had killed is also Harriet’s grandson Ulrich. By blood, she could call you Granduncle.” 


She was Harriet’s granddaughter

Xavier was beside himself. His gaze toward Noella was now alight with anticipation and disbelief. You’re Harriet’s kin? And Tristanhe’s Harriet’s son?” 

Noella nodded coolly. What of it? Last night, Grandma visited my dreams to ask how I was. I told her you almost killed my brother and me and that you still want me dead!” 


Xavier’s composure crumbled. No, no, Harriet, it was all a misunderstanding. I didn’t know they were your kids. Marcel’s fate is negligible, but thank goodness the children are safe.” 

He suddenly spun to Magee. Who was it that cut Ulrich? Feed him to the sharks! Dare to lay a finger on my sister’s grandkids, and you’ll answer to me!” 

Noella replied with disdain. Without your orders, would they dare?” 

The injury on Ulrich’s arm was a direct consequence of Xavier’s bidding

Noella cocked her head, looking at Xavier with a mix of pity and disdain. Ulrich’s a surgeon. If that injury affects his work in the OR, Grandma’s sure to be upset.” 

Xavier broke into a sweat. “I had no idea, I swear. You have to believe me!” 

Noella scoffed, her eyes clearly conveying her disbelief

Xavier knew further explanations were futile. After all, his intent to obliterate Marcel and his family was genuine

Turning away, he retrieved a book from his shelf, carefully flipping through the pages until he found a photograph to show Noella

In the blackandwhite photo, a woman’s delicate features were softened by the gentle brush of time, while the man beside her boasted a scar that lent him a rugged charm. In delicate script at the bottom, it read: To my dear brother, from Harriet.” 


A wave of nostalgia washed over Xavier’s face. Your grandma was my sister. We took our mentorssurnames; hers was Lambert. I’ve spent years seeking vengeance for your grandma. Marcel betrayed her doesn’t he deserve to die? How can his family live in 

bliss while my sister’s life was cut short!” 

Noella studied the young Harriet in the photo, her grace and intelligence shining through

There was so much her grandmother had never shared with her. Who could it all involve? It was clear that Xavier’s mentor was the former head of Lockhart Prison, but who was her grandmother’s mentor

Suppressing her doubts, Noella handed Xavier a document


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