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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 353

"What so special?"

Elara crossed her arms and leaned casually against the wall, looking up at Bowie in a way that somehow made him feel she was in control.

"Horatio's a monk, seems to have a soft spot for you, Elara."

"What are you trying to say? Bowie, I thought you were different from Lorne Richardson, but now it looks like..."

Facing Elara's slightly contemptuous gaze, Bowie felt his face flush with heat!

Lucian had already spilled the beans to Elara.

It was Bowie who had contacted other Richardsons, and he was the one who took Ashlyn away, his intentions couldn't be more obvious!

Elara smirked coldly.

"Some people's hearts see everything as tainted."

"Elara, sister, I didn't mean it like that..."

Elara laughed offhandedly, "Sorry, though I have many brothers, you're certainly not one of them. Can you imagine, each of my brothers landing a punch on you? You'd probably cry for ages, wouldn't you?"

"Elara, my apologies."

Horatio, holding a giant porcelain vase, looked it over before deciding to just sit down among a collection of antiques!

Meditating among these relics, Horatio felt his spiritual practice advancing further!

"I shall meditate here, Miss Elara, please feel free to do as you wish."

"Fine, I'll go find Grandpa."

With a fleeting, cold glance at Bowie, Elara turned and left, leaving Bowie feeling somewhat intimidated!

Bowie watched Horatio sitting cross-legged on the floor, contemplating his plans, then moved closer to Horatio.

"Master, I've been troubled by many thoughts lately. Could you offer me guidance?"


Horatio curtly refused without a hint of politeness.

But Bowie wasn't ready to give up just yet!

A revered monk like Horatio, sought after by the wealthy and powerful, could introduce him to realms beyond his reach...

Suddenly, Horatio opened his eyes.

His serene gaze lifted slightly, the crimson at the corners of his eyes and forehead making him look almost divine, making one's heart skip a beat!

"If you're already walking down a crooked path, why seek me? You must be familiar with many of such lowlifes."

"Master, I don't understand what you're saying..."

Horatio's phone buzzed, a message from Noella.

[Waiting for you in the mountains.]

Upon receiving Noella's message, Horatio quickly got up and strode outside.

Just as Bowie was about to follow, Horatio turned back to look at him.

"Bowie, let me remind you..."

Bowie's heart jumped to his throat, anxiously awaiting Horatio's words.

"You've got a bit of spinach stuck in your teeth."

Bowie was mortified!

He wished the ground would swallow him up!

By the time he came to his senses, Horatio was gone!


In Lucian's study.

Piles of documents lay in front of Elara.

"Sign these, and they're all yours, all clean, you can be sure."

"Grandpa, isn't this a bit too much?"

This was practically all of the Richardson family's assets!

Handing them all to her felt like a hot potato!

Lucian waved his hand dismissively.

"Take it, you're the only child in our family, and I trust you with these. I was considering giving some to Bowie, but that boy's intentions aren't pure. Grandpa is at peace knowing they're with you."


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