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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 93

Autelan moved at high speed, even faster than a warrior at the first grade of Bone Reinforcement. However, no matter how quickly he tried to run away, it seemed to be a futile attempt. Thousands of meters behind them, a beam of light of flushing tree quickly shot in their direction and reached them in a flash.

Upon seeing the light of flushing tree, Autelan stopped with a dry smile.

Ricky began to realize why Autelan had began running so fast.

As the light of flushing tree faded away, a middle-aged man, dressed in a long green robe, emerged from the light of flushing tree under his feet. His face was not particularly good-looking, but Ricky and Autelan felt his aura of arrogance, as if he was the center of the whole universe.

Ricky had only ever sensed such an overpowering aura from Zenith, who was a powerful innate spiritual king. So the middle-aged man was, without a doubt, also an innate spiritual king.

And now that there was the intense force of flushing tree emanating from the man, Ricky had already guessed his identity.

"Hello. You must be a senior member of the family of Greenhill. I think it would seem a bit inappropriate for you to chase down and kill the ordinary warriors like us in the Snow Land," Autelan spoke, calmly toning down his power and vigor.

He knew that no matter how powerful he was, he was just as weak as an ant in the eyes of this man.

"Have you killed my son, Lyndon?" the man asked in a low voice as he stared at Ricky, completely ignoring Autelan.

Without anger or murderous intent in his voice, the man seemed as though he was merely asking Ricky a simple question.

But Ricky knew clearly that if an innate spiritual king spoke in such a tone, it implied that he was actually very furious.

"Yes, I have," Ricky admitted, realizing that he was going to die very soon. He hoped that by taking responsibility for it, there was a chance Autelan would not be involved.

'Alas! I've provoked the innate spiritual king of the family of Greenhill. He's here to avenge his son's death on me now. What terrible turn of events!' Ricky thought to himself, mourning his impending death.

He hadn't found his mother yet, and he had so much more of his cultivation to experience. Everything had just begun for him, but it all seemed as thought it would be over now.

However, Ricky wasn't regretful at all. And if he had another chance, he would still choose to kill Lyndon without hesitation, as he had been a sore loser and a bully, trying to harm Ricky with three others.

Ricky felt as though he had nothing to lose.

"Now that you admit this, you must come with me and repent for your evil deeds in front of Lyndon's body for seven days and nights. After that, you must apologize for your actions by taking your own life," the innate spiritual king of the family of Greenhill said.

Ricky scowled at the man's words and responded, "You're saying I have to repent for seven days and nights before taking my own life? I think you just underestimate me. I will never apologize for killing someone who tried to murder me with three others.

So you'd better kill me now! Otherwise, I will break his tomb once I arrive at his grave!"

Upon hearing Ricky, the innate spiritual king of the family of Greenhill broke out in visible rage. It was rare that a powerful innate spiritual king's mood would be so greatly affected by a warrior of Blood Purification.

"It's not up to you!" the man exclaimed coldly.

Then he waved his hand, the force of flushing tree enveloping Ricky. He was about to take Ricky away by force.

But before the middle-aged man could realize, Autelan discreetly took out an ice crystal rune and then crushed it, with a hint of a smile at the corners of his lips.

When the rune had shattered, the temperature dropped suddenly. A small crack appeared up in the air, and then turned into a large snow path.

Instantly, a figure appeared on the path and swept down.

"Chief Zenith!" Ricky said in excitement at the sight of the familiar figure.

For it was no other than Zenith, the chief of the Snow Sect, Ricky stood a chance at surviving this encounter.


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