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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 26

“Sarah, you are so beautiful today!”

John Walter hugged Sarah from behind who was wearing a white long dress and rubbed her breasts eagerly. His genital area pressed against the back of her thighs.

“…let go of me. Don’t touch me…”

Sarah’s body went weak under his touch. Yet she found the contrast between his indifference to her nakedness last night and his intimacy with her right now infuriating.

Her anger was off-putting for John. He stepped back and shrugged indifferently, “Fine, I hear you. I, John Walter, never force a woman to do anything!”

He turned around elegantly and sat down. He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. There was nothing left in his eyes but coldness, “Do you really want to quit your job? No problem, but you couldn’t leave until the company finds a replacement and the work handover is finished.”

He was now all businesslike. Sarah froze at his approval of her resignation. She was teary and angry, “You…you…”

But she was too emotional to finish her sentence.

Was he really so cold-hearted? Didn’t he see that she was just being upset? Sarah was angry, anxious and regretful.

Sarah’s response wasn’t surprising at all. John Walter smiled and said in a softer tone, “Come here. I have something for you.”


Sarah blinked in surprise.

John Walter’s sudden change of attitude was too much for her to process. But his wickedly handsome face was enchanting. She went to him obediently.

“Sit here.”

John Walter gestured to his desk.

Sarah hesitated at first, but she sat on it anyway.

His indifference was frightening just now. Now that he was gentle as always, she decided that she couldn’t provoke him anymore.

She didn’t realize that she had gradually become submissive to him.


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