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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 223


After many excruciating hours of people talking on the stage and playing horrible videos of Rhea committing various crimes at intervals, a sentence was finally passed. I was beyond relieved when she was sentenced to life in prison. I had feared she'd be executed in public.

Her mother was not pleased to hear that. The moment the sentence was passed, she started wailing and trying to attack everyone around her while screaming that her daughter was innocent and how it was all my plan to get rid of her. She had to be dragged out of the courtroom.

Alina, who had the audacity to attend, had the fattest smile on her face as she walked out of the courtroom after everyone was dismissed. She's going to be the one getting that sentence soon. I'll make sure of it.

“How do you feel?” Asks Alpha Reagan as we alight from the car. We're back at his chambers and all I want to do right now is go in and sleep because I feel sick to my stomach.

With Rhea locked up in prison, it means I have one less problem to deal with, but the fact that she's suffering alone for a crime she did not mastermind bugs me. It's so annoying!

I look at Alpha Reagan and shake my head.

“I don't feel okay.”

“She has received the punishment she deserves.”

“I know. But she's still my sister, you know. We grew up together, under the same roof. It's impossible for me not to feel bad about her situation.” My tone is nothing short of melancholic. Alpha Reagan lets out a light sigh and takes my right hand in his.

“I completely understand, but I hate to see you like this. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

The only thing that can uplift my mood right now is seeing Alina get punished for her crimes.

“It's going to take some time, but I'll be fine.” He kisses my hand before pulling me into a warm hug. I gently rest my head on his broad chest and take a deep inhale of his rich, him-like smell. Fresh and woody. I could sniff this man all day without getting bored of his scent.

“Let's go in so you can get some rest.” He says, pulling me out the hug and I calmly nod my head. We're about to go in when his cellphone starts buzzing in his pocket. He takes out and his brows raise in surprise when he looks at the screen. “Why's he ringing my cell when he can just mindlink me?” He mumbles under his breath and answers the call. “Kyle.” He calls over the phone and that piques my attention.

Why is Kyle calling?

“Alpha Reagan, you have to come to your office right now. There's an urgent matter that needs to be addressed immediately.” Kyle says over the phone in a terrified tone and Reagan shoots me a confused look.

“What's wrong Kyle?”

“I can't tell you over the phone. Please come right now.” The urgency in Kyle's voice makes my blood boil. He's not the type to raise a false alarm. If he says something is going wrong, it means something is definitely going wrong. I shoot Alpha Reagan a worried look.

“Should I come with you?”

“No. Go in and have some rest. I'm sure it's nothing too serious.”


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