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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 

I stared at him for two seconds and then I turned on my heels to leave. I had barely gotten out of the office before I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and I was pulled back into the office. The door was slammed shut and Jaxon was staring down at me with a raised brow. I swallowed down the knot in my throat and stared up at him wondering how he managed to move that quickly

I want to leave,I said and I saw him roll his eyes but he didn’t say anything else and instead led me to the available seat opposite his

He walked around the table to take his seat and I had half a mind to get up and run again but I knew he would catch me and I wouldn’t have put it past Jaxon to tie me to the chair if he wanted me to stay so I forced myself to sit still and I placed my hands in my lap

What is this about?I asked once he was seated and his eyes lifted to mine. They were intense and 1 felt like they were boring into my soul. It took all my willpower not to look away and admit defeat

As if he knew that I was struggling, I saw the corner of his l*ps quirk up and I hated the fact that my body reacted to it and my core clenched around nothing. I knew if I wasn’t careful then he would smell my arousal and things. would get more complicated so I thought about every disgusting thing on the surface of the planet hoping it would calm me down

Once I had gotten my thoughts back on the right track, I leaned back into my chair, as far away from him as ! could possibly get. I could feel his amusement but I ignored him and tried to avoid looking at his face. Even though I couldn’t see him, I could almost imagine the smirk on his face as he watched me and it annoyed me

What do you want?I asked without looking at him. I have other places to be.” 

I’m sure you can last ten minutes without going back to your room.” 

I looked up at him at those words and he cocked his head to the side as if daring me to say that I had something. else to do other than going to my room. It grated on my nerves that he was right and more so that he knew he was right. Instead of saying anything, I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest 

I don’t have time for this Jaxon,I started to rise and he spoke in a voice so soft that fell shivers climb up my spine

If you standup, I will tie you to that chair,I froze instantly and raised a brow at him but he only smiled cruelly in return. Try it, I dare you.” 


Chapter 14 

I knew he wasn’t bluffing so I huffed and sat back. What do you want Jaxon? I’ve asked this three times already and I know you didn’t call me here just so you could look at me.” 

Kiara,he said simply and just like that, he had my attention

As much as I didn’t want to be around Jaxon, I was willing to brave it if it was because of my daughter. Gone was the playful air and I could see on his face that he was serious about the entire thing. If he had started with her name, I never would have tried to leave

What’s wrong with Kiara?I asked. Did something happen that I don’t know.” 

She’s three,he began. When I was three, I started learning about the pack under nannies. It won’t be like. school, it would just be her knowing the things she should about the monarchy and about lycans. We are different from wolves in a lot of ways and she can shift as early as eight years old. I shifted for the first time at 


My mouth fell open in shock. I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about shifting for the next ten years but Jaxon was telling me that it could happen in four. It felt like a fever dream and I felt like if I pinched myself I would wake up with a jerk. I searched his face for any hint of amusement and hoping he was saying alf of that to make me stay but there was nothing but sincerity in his eyes

Why don’t we know this?I asked. Don’t you think this is something that should be common knowledge?” 

No, werewolves do not need to know about the way of the lycans. There is a reason the lycans rule over the wolves and not the other way around.” 

That is the most condescending thing that I have ever heard.” 

It is fact,he said dismissively as if he didn’t care to talk about it anymore. I have contacted one of the best nannies in the world and she will start with Kiara from tomorrow. She is likeable and I’m sure that Kiara will end up loving her.” 

It took a few seconds for his words to settle in my head and when they did, I got a little annoyed. He had turned, away from me as if he was done speaking and I cleared my throat bringing his eyes back to me

Is something wrong?” 

Of course something is wrong,I said sitting up straighter. You didn’t even ask my opinion on it. You were informing me that you were getting a nanny for our daughter. That’s not how parenting works, you don’t just make decisions without telling me.” 


Chapter 14 

You mean just like you hid my daughter’s presence from me.” 


I raised a brow at his dismissive tone not understanding what was happening. A few minutes ago, he was teasing and smiling and now he was being dismissive and rude. It was confusing and it felt like I was going to have whiplash from his quickly he was changing his personalities. I wanted to scream but I kept a neutral expression

I had a justifiable reason for keeping her from you,I said simply. You don’t have any reason right now.” 

She’s my daughter and I am acting in her best interests. You know it is in her best interest because you can’t teach her about lycans and I am too busy to do it.” 

That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be informed,” 

Freya please,” 

I hated the way he spoke like I was a child and I was being unreasonable. He was the one being unreasonable and I wanted nothing more than to scream at the top of my lungs but I said nothing. Instead, I stood to my feet and his eyes followed the movement. Through his window, I could see that it was a full moon and the light from the moon was shining directly into his office

F*ck you,I spat. Here I thought you had actually changed but you really are the same dick that I ran away from. I don’t give a shit if Kiara likes it here. If I see any signs that you are like this around her, I am taking my daughter and I am leaving.” 

I made sure to put a lot of emphasis on the word myand then I turned on my heels to leave. I actually thought I had gotten away with it and he let me get to the door before his hand came to the side of my head and held it closed. My breath caught in my throat when I heard the loud bang as his hand came in contact with the door


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