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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

I couldn’t get Nadia’s words out of my head the entire night. I was worried that my daughter would end up like me for the rest of her life and that was not a fate I would have wished on my worst enemy much less my own child. Cursed to always be by the sidelines, too human for the wolves and too much of a wolf for the humans. That wasn’t what I wanted for her and knowing that it was a possibility hurt me to my core

I couldn’t find it in myself to leave her alone for the rest of the day. She didn’t understand why I was so clingy and I didn’t think she cared because she kept asking me to play dolls with her and I was happy to oblige. I even *ended up sleeping in her room because it felt like awareness was settling on me far too soon and I couldn’t bring 

myself to acknowledge it

Since I walked back into the palace, it was like my life was filled with problem after problem. I couldn’t help but wish that Jaxon had just left us alone in that human town. I would have been able to live in blissful ignorance with my child and not this overwhelming sense of dread that something bad was going to happen to her. Nadia explained to me that the lycan and werewolf battle sometimes damaged the psyche of the human they resided in because of how strong they both were

I wasn’t sure if Jaxon knew but a part of me thought he’did. He was a lycan and there was no way he didn’t know 

that much about them and their lore

By morning, was determined to put aside my pride for the sake of my daughter. I wanted to know everything about what was to happen to Kiara and what could be done to prevent her from being hurt in the future. I didn’t want to put Nadia in trouble for telling me so I concocted a plan on how I was going to approach the subject

Once she arrived, I excused myself and assured her that I was going to be back soon. I made my way towards 

Jaxon’s office and the door was locked from the inside so I knocked. I knocked twice and he didn’t answer.

knew he was ignoring me and it infuriated me because if anything, I was the one with more reasons to avoid him. He had blatantly disrespected and disregarded me and here I was trying to be the bigger person

Jaxon, open the door,” I said as I knocked harder. I couldn’t hear anything on the other side because the room was soundproof so I couldn’t hear if he was going to let me in or not

After knocking for a few minutes more, I gave up. I turned on my heels to leave when I heard the door creak open. Jaxon stood there in a button up shirt with the first two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. His hair was ruffled as if he had run his hands through it one too many times. He kept the door open slightly as if he didn’t want me coming in and I pushed past him into the room

I knew if he didn’t want me in the room then there was nothing I could have done. He allowed me push him to the side and I refused to think about why he did that and instead leaned against the table and crossed my hands 


Chapter 17 

over my chest. He let out a sigh of relief and locked the door behind him as he turned to me

We need to talk,I said and just like that, I saw all his features shut down and he stared at me

There’s nothing to talk about,he said simply and he moved to the side to show me the door. If that is all then you can leave.” 

If you don’t have anything to talk about then I do,I retorted and he sighed. First, you have to promise me that Nadia does not get in trouble.” 

You’re in no position to make demands,he said and I raised a brow at him. He stared at me for a second before finally breaking eye contact. She will not get in trouble, what is it?” 

Did you know that there was a possibility that Kiara will have both a werewolf and lycan side and they will battle within her and leave her like a runt?his silence was all the confirmation I needed and my hands flew over my mouth. Didn’t you think that was something I should know

It will not happen to her. There are only two documented cases in the entire world and there are thousands of children born from lycan and werewolf descent.” 

There is a possibility,I spat back at him. I deserved to know about the tiniest possibility that something could go wrong with my child.” 

Telling you would have brought nothing except worry which is what you are doing now,he walked over to me and gripped my shoulders. I did what I thought was best.” 

That was not your call to make,I said through gritted teeth. You can’t pick and choose when you want to do the right thing. You can’t pick and choose what you hide from people. These are lives, this isn’t a game.” 

At this point, we both knew I wasn’t just talking about Kiara and I saw his features harden. I was pissed at him, for everything. I was pissed that he hid the truth about Kiara and I was pissed because of how he dismissed me. My ego was hurt and I was hurt and he knew it. I saw a foreign expression cross his features but he managed to hide it before I could decipher the expression

I think you should leave,he said finally and it took everything in me not to reach out and slap him across the 


Of course, that’s what you always do isn’t it,I began as I stood to my feet. I walked over until I was staring directly at hig before I spoke. You can never own up to your mistakes. Everyone is wrong and you’re right. You will always resortto pushing people away once confronted with your own problems.” 


Chapter 17 

I know you’re hurt but you’re not thinking straight.” 

I leaned in so I was very close to his face and I made sure we were sharing a breath as I spoke. Fuck you.” 

I leaned back to walk away but within a second, his hand wrapped around the back of my head and he claimed my l*ps in a bruising kiss. My first thought was to push him away and I tried but my efforts came out more half hearted and I felt myself melting into the kiss. His l*ps ravaged mine and all I could do was follow his lead and allow him claim me however he wanted

I didn’t know he was moving me until I felt my back hit the cold door. He broke the kiss and even though I had a million things that I wanted to say, I couldn’t form the words because I was desperately trying to catch my breath. Jaxon ran a hand though his hair and his eyes were dark with desire and want. I felt powerful knowing! was the reason for that disheveled look on his face

His l*ps moved to my neck and I arched my back to grant him better access. His hands moved down to my waist and while one settled there, the other trailed down to the hem of my dress and slipped in. I was wearing nothing but a barely there thong and when his hands brushed against the material, I let out a loud moan


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