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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

I was embarrassed and I was hurt. It wasn’t just my ego that had taken a beating but my heart as well. I had done the exact same thing that I ran away for and I had gotten myself into the exact same position. I was hoping that something would have changed but it seemed like I was the one who hadn’t changed. I was still a naïve child and it showed because I kept letting myself fall back into the arms of a man who couldn’t care less about me

For the past day, I had successfully avoided him once more. I had only left my room to sit with Nadia and Kiara and once Kiara was asleep, I was back in my room. The flowers had kept coming and it didn’t matter that I threw them out, by evening; a new set was sitting by my bedside. I had my meals in the comfort of my room and away from prying eyes and people who could see through my façade

The one thing that made it all worse was that Jaxon hadn’t even tried to find me. It was like he didn’t even care for me. It was frustrating and it was annoying but I was slowly coming to terms with the fact that I didn’t mean as much to him as he did to me. Regardless of how hard I tried, Jaxon was my mate and he had lodged himself deep in my heart. It didn’t matter how many times I tried to take 

him out or remind myself that he was a horrible 

person, he was there to stay

There was a knock on my door that snapped me back to reality and I slowly stood to my feet. Leaning against my 

door in a plain grey tee and dark blue jeans was Aiden. He gave me a wonky smile and I could feel the corner of my lips tugging upwards as he looked down on me. Something about Aiden was very approachable and he 

genuinely seemed like a nice person from his interactions with Kiara that I had witnessed a few times


I heard you’ve been in here all day,he began as he stared down at me, Are you down with something?” 

I shook my head. I’m fine, I just want to be alone.” 

Well we can’t have that,he held out his hand to me and I analyzed it carefully before raising a brow at him. Come on, why don’t you have a little fun?” 

There was something mischievous lurking in his eyes and I don’t know why, but I took his hand. He’smiled widely and practically pulled me out of the room. He held my hand tightly and I was sure it was so I wouldn’t run away becausell had thought about it. He snuck along the walls like some spy trying to find hidden treasure. It was amusing and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud

u’re going to ruin our plans,he frowned at me. Have you never watched a spy film in your life?” 

This made me laugh harder and I swear I saw annoyance cross his features. By the time I had managed to calm -down he was staring down at me like I had kicked his puppy


Chapter 19 

Now that you’re calm, we can finish our mission.” 

He led me through the walls and down the stairs and then we turned down a hallway I had never seen before. I had never been in this part of the castle before and it looked like I had stepped into a medieval settlement. The walls were made of stone and the doors looked old and worn. My m*uth was wide open as I took it all in, I could feel Aiden smiling in glee next to me as he pushed open a door and I was met with a massive ball room. It was spacious and there were literal knights lining the walls

Has this always been here?I asked and he hummed. You could hold an entire kingdom inside here. Why doesn’t anyone use it?” 

According to history, Jaxon’s grandfather used to hold the largest balls ever He would have people from all over the world come over for the slightest achievement. It was an honor to be invited and it was an insult not to 


I can imagine how extreme those parties were.” 

No one really uses it much anymore but I come here to pretend I’m a knight on the round table or the son of a lord,he added the last part with a wink and I smiled. Jaxon can be an asshole sometimes,” 

I instantly shut down and my smile fell. I turned away from him and pretended to be interested in one of the statues. He let out a sigh behind me and when I felt him approach me, I spoke

I don’t know what you’re talking about Aiden.” 

You’re his mate, anyone with eyes can see that,he began slowly and I started to leave but his hand wrapped around my wrist and he kept me in place. I can’t tell you what’s happening with him but I assure you that it isn’t what you think.” 

Did he set you up to this?I asked and he shook his head. If he isn’t bothered about me then why are you? There is nothing to it and there is nothing to us, Aiden. Please, leave it alone.” 

Freya, I need you to listen to me,” 

Before he could say anything else, the door opened and Jaxon walked in. His eyes immediately found me and even though I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel the weight of his stare on me. It threatened to swallow me whole and I hated how my body reacted to it even though I was trying desperately to hate and ignore him

He walked the length of the room and I felt him stop directly beside me but I still kept my eyes on the status in front of me. Ther was some writing on the bottom but I couldn’t make it out because it was worn with age. Both men exchanged a look behind me an 

men exchanged a look behind me and then I felt Aiden leave. I wanted to tell him to stay but I couldn’t do that 


Chapter 19 

without admitting that Jaxon’s presence affected me

Once the door had clicked shut, I felt Jaxon reach out to touch me but I shied away from his touch

I want to show you something.” 

I don’t want to see anything,I said simply and he sighed

I know you hate me and with good reason to but I just need you to trust me this one last time.” 

It was incredulous how he was talking about trust when that was the one thing I had given him that he had broken over and over again. I wanted to walk away and leave him standing there but some part of me kept wondering if I would regret not going with him so I turned to him

This is your last chance, Jaxon.” 


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