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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

I was in complete and utter shock as I watched her standing there in leather pants, a button up shirt and a large cloak to shield her body from the elements. Her hair was tied up into a perfect chignon at the base of her neck. It felt like I was seeing a ghost from my past. I hadn’t thought about her in the last four years and now seeing her right in front of me, it felt like a rude awakening

She turned to Jaxon and bowed low. Your majesty, it is an honor to finally meet you.” 

He nodded to her and I couldn’t stop the words from leaving my m*uth. What are you doing here?” 

She turned to me and I saw a brief flash of irritation in her eyes and I knew that if we were alone, she would have said something rude but instead she plastered the fakest smile she could muster on her face

It has been a long night and an even longer journey. Why don’t I get some rest and we can talk about it 


I glanced over at Jaxon because I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t form the words and before I could even say anything, Cressida had walked into the palace. She took off her clock and handed it to a guard who took it with a confused expression on his face. She acted like she was at home and like the castle belonged to her. She crossed the length of the distance between us and stood directly in front of me

Your majesty, you don’t have to wait around, it is just family talk,she said to Jaxon. I’m sure Freya can take me 

to my room

One of the maids will take you to your room,he corrected. It is late and Freya has some things to attend to.” 

Her lips pursed and I knew she hated his decision but she couldn’t directly oppose him seeing as he was the king. She bowed to him in a way that was both respectful and disrespectful at the same time. She turned back to 

me and before I could react, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders in a hug

I completely froze up because Cressida had never hugged me in my life. It felt weird and my skin crawled. I wanted nothing more than to push her off but I knew I couldn’t so I stayed completely still while waited for her to pull away

As she finally decided to pull away, I heard her whisper. You look good but we will talk about why I’m here 


I would have thought I imagined the words if not for the little smirk that grew on her lips. I took an urgent step back and Jaxon’s arm reached out to wrap around my waist and hold me. I was so grateful for it because it felt 


like the only thing keeping me sane and stable at that moment. I thought my knees were going to buckle or I was going to run and I did not want to give her the satisfaction

One of the maids walked over to her and curtsied softly and then she was gone. As soon as she left, I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding and I felt Jaxon staring at me as if he was trying to figure out what was going on in my head

What’s the story between the both of you?he asked and I shrugged. You looked uncomfortable. If you want her gone then I will have her gone.” 

It’s fine,I waved him off

I wanted to know why she came and I wanted to know what she had planned. If I knew Cressida as well as l thought then there was definitely something she had planned and until I was able to find it out, she needed to be under the roof where I could keep an eye out for her


Let’s go to Kiara,I said with a forced smile. She must be waiting for us.” 

Jaxon didn’t want to drop the subject that much was certain but he sighed and nodded and without removing his hand from the small of my back, we made our way over to Kiara’s room. I briefly wondered if Cressida knew about Kiara and what her reaction would be if she found out

Kiara was awake when we got there but barely. She was half asleep already but she tried her best to put on a brave smile. I couldn’t tell her the story because of how distracted I was so Jaxon did it. She complained a few times that he wasn’t doing the voices properly and it was actually amusing to see the feared Alpha King doing animal voices for his daughter

My heart threatened to burst out of my chest the more I watched them. He tried his best and soon she was asleep. Once he noticed, he let out a sigh of relief and kis*ed her forehead before standing up to return the book to her shelf. While he did that, I leaned over my daughter and kis*ed her hair

I love you,I whispered to her. More than anything in the world and I hope you never doubt that.” 

I pulled away and I saw Jaxon watching me with an unreadable expression. I couldn’t form words in my throat so instead I walked past him and I started making my way towards my room but he stopped me by grabbing my arm and leading me towards his room. I was shocked and confused but I couldn’t find it in myself to fight him because the truth was that I didn’t want to be alone so I allowed him lead me

When we got to the room, I realized how I was still in my dirty clothes so I made my way into the bathroom to take a long needed bath. I spent so much longer than I should have under the shower. I allowed the hot water 

burn my skin as my mind moved to places I hadn’t bothered to think about in years


Chapter 23 

I couldn’t help but think about my step mother and everything I faced at her hands. Now that I had my own 

child, it was almost like I was looking at it through a new pair of lenses. I would never dream of treating Kiara like that and as much as I liked to think that my father was innocent in all of it, I could finally see that he was not.


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