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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

It only got worse from there. When the pain first started, I thought it was terrible but I felt like it had multiplied since it started. I couldn’t see, hear or feel anything outside of the pain. I knew there were other people in the room with me and I could feel their hands on me but I could barely concentrate on them

I could see fur beginning to sprout on my hands and that was the moment the bones in my body began to break. The sound echoed through the room and I let out a blood curling scream. I passed out for a second but a sharp slap on my face brought me back to reality

We can’t allow you fall asleep,Pam said without an ounce of remorse. It increases the risk of you dying. I know it hurts but you have to stay awake.” 

I opened my mouth to tell her that I couldn’t when another bone in my leg snapped in two. I saw my leg turn in an awkward angle and I almost threw up there and then. I tried to avoid looking but it was everywhere and the more I avoided it, the worse it became and the more I seemed to look at it

The pain was blinding and I wasn’t sure if it was five minutes or five hours but as quickly as everything started, it stopped and I was left feeling achy all over and like I had just been drained of all the energy that I had

Despite the pain I was feeling, I had never felt more alive. I could smell the air better and I could smell the 

undercurrent of must coming from the walls. I could see the tiny cracks on the walls hidden beneath the pictures and I could hear the wind blowing from outside. It felt surreal and ethereal and I could not explain it

Hey, baby,Jaxon’s voice made me snap my head to him and I saw him smiling down at me in awe. He ran his hand down my skin- no, fur

I looked down and realized that my skin had become fur. It was an unnatural shade of silver and I was briefly 

I confused because I had never seen silver fur before. I never thought it was possible to have that color

Do you want to stand?he asked and I opened my mouth to speak but it was a small yelp that came out

He must have took it as a yes because he stood to his feet and gestured for me to stand. My body still ached and I tried and wobbled on my paws at first. It took me three tries to be able to stand on my own and I still felt shaky. Jaxon gestured for me to walk closer to him and I tried and almost fell but he reached out to balance me on his side

It took me almost ten minutes to be able to walk around on my own and once I had gotten the hang of it, Jaxon asked me to folloy him. I followed him down the halls and towards a pair of doors that he pushed open. I was shocked to see that the doors led outside and different scents assaulted my nose


Chapter 26 

I could smell the fresh grass and I could hear the birds that were chirping. I could smell the dew in the air and a spring a few minutes away. I had to shake my nose to get the scent out of my nostrils and it took me a while to get used to it. By the time I did, I turned to Jaxon and to my shock, he was still in his human form

I briefly wondered why he hadn’t shifted yet but then I remembered that he couldn’t because of his curse. I felt bad and didn’t want to take off into the woods but he encouraged me with a tilt of his head. I hesitated for a second before I took off. It felt like I was alive. I felt like I was flying with the wind in my air

I was so busy running that I didn’t notice a branch until I tripped over it and rolled. Thankfully, I fell into a stack of leaves and I laughed. It came out more like a huff in my wolf form. I looked up and then I saw Jaxon standing next to me. I wondered how he managed to catch up to me quickly but I barely had time to think about it when 

he sat next to me and started slowly running his hands down my fur

I don’t know how long we stayed there but finally, I craved to be in my human form. I whined towards Jaxon and he seemed to understand because he put me through how to shift back. It took a while, but by the time I did, I was shocked to see that I was naked

I flushed pink and tried to use my hands to cover myself but Jaxon laughed and pulled off his shirt for me. quickly pulled it on and I took a discreet sniff of it. I thought his scent was amazing before but smelling it now did something in me and had my insides squirming in a way they never had before

Jaxon slowly took a step over to me and he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ears. I felt my che*ks heat up and then he lowered his head to mine and k*ssed me slowly, I wasted no time in reciprocating the k*ss despite how tired I was. I wanted him closer and I wanted him around me. I wanted to be joined with him permanently and never let go

He pulled away and chuckled softly. Your emotions are very heightened after you shift. Why don’t we let your relax first before we think of doing anything?” 

I was shocked by his words. It was almost like he had read my mind. I had heard of mates being able to do that sometimes but I didn’t think it was true

It is called a mate link,he explained out loud. It is like a pack mind link but between mates, Imagine a bridge, between us where I can feel what you’re feeling or hear what you are thinking.” 

Is there a way to stop it?” 

Yes, there is,he laughed softly. Imagine whatever is linking us together. It could be a door or a window or a bridge. I want you to imagine closing it and it will be gone. I will still be able to feel your very heightened emotions but everything else will be on the down low.” 


Chapter 26 


I did as he had asked and our link appeared to me in the front of a door. It was made out of hand carved wood with intricate designs and it was wide open. I could feel Jaxon on the other side of the door and the closer I got, the more his emotions were. I could feel his amusement but there was something else there. It had a bitter and tangy taste but I couldn’t put my finger on it

I wanted to explore it more but I figured ignorance was bliss so I closed the door and instantly, the feeling of amusement drained out of me. I blinked sharply and found Jaxon watching me carefully. I offered him a smile to pretend like I had never seen anything


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