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The Man's Decree novel Chapter 336

Chapter 336 I Will Let You Die Beautifully

“Stop him!” Lucy screamed.

With that, her two bodyguards leaped at Jared and tried their best to block him despite knowing that they weren’t a match for him.

Jared nimbly dodged their attacks and seized their wrists. With that, he activated Focus Technique, and the inside of his diaphragm became a vortex that sucked the two bodyguards’ lifeforce away.

When they realized that their energies were being drained by Jared, they struggled to break free from his grasp. Nevertheless, it was pointless.

Within ten to twenty seconds, the remaining two bodyguards became dried-up corpses.

“W-What happened?” Kane asked in shock.

“G-Ghost! You’re a ghost! You’re not human! You’re not human!” Lucy screamed at the sight of the two mummified bodies in front of her.

Jared looked at Kane and Lucy coldly as he asked, “Where is the girl you kidnapped?”

“G-Girl! S-She’s in the room!” Lucy stuttered as she answered in fear while pointing at the other mansion with her shaking finger.


“Take me there!” Jared snapped coldly.

“O-O-Okay,” she stammered without a trace of arrogance from before.

Kane and Lucy led Jared to where Yasmin was. At that moment, both of them were trembling and didn’t intend to escape as they knew that they wouldn’t be able to run away.

In the beginning, they thought that they could exchange a few blows with Jared just because they knew some martial arts. However, they dismissed that idea immediately after what they had seen earlier.

Lucy opened the door when they reached the room.


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