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The Man's Decree novel Chapter 620

Chapter 620 Collateral Descendant

Jared grinned without saying anything. He didn’t realize that his physical attributes had risen to that state, either. I guess the body-quenching pill Rayleigh gave me is a hundred times better than my revitalizing pills.

“Now that the men have been apprehended, will you be heading back to Horington, Mr. Chance? I can have someone drop you off,” offered Theodore.

“Thank you, General Jackson, but there’s no need for that. I plan on staying for a while. I’ll hail a cab when I decide to go home.”

Bull and Rayleigh showing up like that had changed Jared’s mind. He wanted to stay in Jadeborough for a little longer. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get to meet other energy cultivators. My main concern is still to learn more about my birth, though.

“Then, please be careful, Mr. Chance. The Coopers won’t let you off the hook that easily. If you need any help, please feel free to call me,” reminded Theodore.

“Thank you for your offer,” replied Jared while grinning.

After leaving the place, Jared returned to his hotel and rested on his bed. He recalled his encounter with Bull and Rayleigh. Yeah, they are definitely the strongest men I have ever met in my entire life.

On the other side, Sean Cooper of the Cooper family was burning with rage after receiving the butler’s reports.

“Trash! Utter useless pieces of trash. Those idiots from Mapleton are freaking useless. I can’t believe they lost even though it was five against one!”


Sean was so angry that he punched the desk and pulverized it.



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