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The Man's Decree novel Chapter 652

Chapter 652 Let Us See It First

When Tommy realized everyone was looking at him, goosebumps raised on his arms, and he quickly pointed at Jared. “This is Mr. Chance. He is the miracle doctor…”

The Sabines were astounded when they heard Tommy say that Jared was the miracle doctor. Almost immediately, disbelief shone in their eyes.

“Yes, he’s Mr. Chance. He may be young, but he’s really a doctor who performs miracles,” Zyaire said.

It was only then the Sabines believed him a little.

“Mr. Rider, if he’s the miracle doctor, then please bring him to see my father. As long as he can cure my father, the Sabines will surely thank him well,” Ludovic said hastily to Zyaire.

Zyaire would never dare to make any decision on behalf of Jared, so he turned to the younger man and asked, “Mr. Chance, what do you think?”

“I can cure his illness, but let’s make things clear before I treat him,” Jared started.

“Yes, yes. Let’s make things clear to avoid any misunderstanding,” Zyaire agreed, nodding.

“Tell me, how much do you want?” Ludovic asked.


Jared had come all the way here from within the border. It was nothing absurd for him to want to talk about the price before the treatment, and the Sabines were not savages.

“I don’t want any money.” Jared shook his head. “I can cure your father, but you have to swear that you’ll only sell the decamillennium ginseng to me. And I have to take a look at it first.”



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