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The Man's Decree novel Chapter 687

Chapter 687 A Respected Predecessor

Theodore hurried forward and greeted respectfully, “I’m surprised to see you here, Mr. Knox. It’s indeed an honor.”

“You have flattered me, General Jackson. I just popped by out of curiosity.” Axton smiled plainly.

“Mr. Knox…”

At that moment, Samuel and Xander took turns to greet him with deference.

When everyone saw the respect accorded to Axton by the big shots, they quickly made way for him, for they were unable to bear the overwhelming pressure emanating from him.

After giving Axton and Donald a glance, Jared asked in an indifferent tone, “Are both of you planning to get involved?”

“Mr. Chance, this is Mr. Axton Knox of the Medicine God Sect. The Medicine God Sect is—”

When Theodore sensed Jared’s hostility toward Axton, he quickly introduced Axton and explained who he was.

However, before he finished, Axton waved for him to stop. He remarked with a chuckle, “General Jackson, no introductions are needed. Jared and I know each other.”


His words stunned Theodore and Samuel, who wondered when Jared had gotten to know Axton.

As for Xander, a sense of dread crept into him upon learning the same.


If Jared truly knew Axton and was on good terms with him, the Cooper family would no longer dare to touch him going forward.


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