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The Man's Decree novel Chapter 755

Chapter 755 Under A Spell

When Shawn heard that, he asked his wife urgently, “Jane, is that true? Why didn’t you tell me that you are having nightmares?”

For some reason, Shawn’s wife became evasive and looked awkward. She seemed reluctant to answer his question.

It’s only a nightmare. Why won’t she say anything about it?

“Say something. Is Mr. Chance right? What exactly is wrong with you? Are you hiding something from me?”

When Shawn saw his wife refusing to answer his question, he found it strange.

All of a sudden, Jane broke down in torrential tears.

Shawn began to panic when he saw his wife wailing.

He immediately asked, “Jane, please don’t cry. Tell me. What’s going on?”

However, just as Jane was about to speak, a spirited young man dressed in a suit walked in. Next to him was another chap who was close to his age.


“Dad, I have asked Curtis to come and treat Mom!” said the young man dressed in a suit.

That young man was none other than Shawn’s son, Callum Robinson.


The young man standing alongside Callum scanned the crowd and frowned when he saw Lyanna. Very quickly, he turned his gaze away.

When Callum saw Spencer, he nodded and greeted, “Mr. Schmidt, how are you?”

Spencer smiled at Callum and responded, “You still look as spirited as ever. Such a sweet talker too!”

Callum said nothing to Jared because he did not know who he was.


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