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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 64

CHAPTER 64: The Friend







Lilian called her five years old son at the backyard of the mansion with a playful smirk on her lips. Even though her son is a bit far from her direction, she could still smell him. His son could be really playful if he wants to. He tends to play around a lot but could also be serious in other things. 


As what she promised to him, they are going to play together once she's done with her duties. She's been really busy in the pack for a while now since the nearing Blood Moon will be held in an open space this time which will happen in a field in the Moon Stone pack so she's been worrying a lot about some other things. Lilian was really hands on that matter since she doesn't want to disappoint the wolves. It took her a few days before she could bond with her son again. She already missed him so much!


And now, she's fulfilling it and her son suggested earlier to her that they are going to play hide and seek. 


"Boo!" Lilian giggled when she found him hiding in the bushes. He pouted.


"Mama! You found me so fast!" He said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, with his brows meeting this time like he's mad already. It really reminds her of her... mate. Instead of being sad on her own thoughts, Lilian just smiled looking at her adorable son.


Killian Ambrose Lennox or "Kill" for short is her one and only son. He really looked like his father a lot. From his eyes, brows, pointed nose and thin pinkish lips... there's no doubt that Alpha Karius is his father. It was as if Lilian had been staring at the younger version of Alpha Karius whenever she looked at her son. The way he smirked, frowned or chuckled... It always reminds her of Alpha Karius so much.


Kill is the reason why her pains and heartaches disappeared after she lost Alpha Karius. He became her strength to her everyday battles. There are times that she would still miss Alpha Karius but it's not that painful anymore. Killian was able to fill all the gaps that she felt in her chest. He's her ball of sunshine when darkness and loneliness is creeping in her system again. 


All throughout the years that she's not with Alpha Karius anymore, Lilian still feels the regrets in her heart. She regretted that she wasn't able to show her affection to him when she was still alive. She regrets that she didn't tell how much she loved him many times when she still had the chance. If only she did all of it when she was still here... maybe she won't have these regrets... And what's really sad is the fact that she only realized this now.


But she chose to think positively from now on. And besides, she poured all her attention to her little one... the future alpha of the pack, Killian. He's the most beautiful thing that happened to her after all that she had been through... after all the disaster that she experienced before. 


"What do you want for snacks, honey?" Lilian asked her son as they made their way back towards the mansion. It's already ten in the morning and they have been playing for almost three hours already.


"Anything, mama!" he replied as they were welcomed by the helpers of the mansion with a smile on their lips. They are all fond of Killian, reason for them sometimes spoiling him which Lilian is really against sometimes. They helped Killian change her clothes and went back to the dining table with the snacks that Nadia prepared for him.


While eating, Lilian stared at her son again and sighed as she wiped Killian's lips.


"Where do you want to go next, honey?" Lilian asked him.


"To the falls, Mama. I want to see my friend again. I missed him already," he answered.


Lilian's brows furrowed. Killian is always talking about his friend that she never once meet yet. She wanted to know about her son's friend to make sure if he's safe with him. Killian is obviously happy with his so called friend but Lilian still wants to make sure.


"Okay. Let's go there later." Lilian slightly nods her head.



"NADIA, YOU'RE ALWAYS checking on my son, right?" Lilian asked Nadia when she saw her wiping the dust on the table.


When Killian was done eating, he was assisted by one of the helpers to his room to take a dump first before they went to the falls like what he wanted.

64. The Friend 1


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