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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 37

“Probably. After all, few could afford such expensive cosmetics.” Edith nodded as if she had thought of something.

Casey, who was standing aside, curled his lips into a smile, which was happened to be caught by Diana.

Diana glared at Casey and asked, “What are you smiling at? The sets of cosmetics are gifts for us, not you.”

“Edith dear, you’d better not be hopeful about this nothing-for-good. I am afraid that people like him cannot afford such expensive cosmetics even though he works hard in the rest of his life.”

Edith glanced at Casey. Just now an idea flashed across her mind – she guessed it was Casey who bought the cosmetics for them.

But since Casey had been with them, she also agreed with the possibility that it was Diana’s Prince Charming who gifted them the cosmetics.

But this didn’t mean that Casey couldn’t afford such expensive cosmetics. She was clear that since Casey could send her the Heart of Venus, a set of cosmetics was just nothing for her.

The manager helped Diana and Edith package the cosmetics. Casey helped them carry the handbags and the goods they bought, and the three left the store.

Seeing them off, the manager sighed from the bottom of her heart, “These were all bought by that hunk, but that girl despised him a lot. I have no idea about the world of these rich people.”

The three then went window shopping in the mall. The two ladies didn’t expect that they would receive warm welcome of all the salesclerks no matter which high-end store they stepped in, as if they had come to an agreement in advance.

Then the managers of the stores would serve them in person, and then gifted the most expensive goods to the two ladies.

Both Diana and Edith were confused. It was the first time that they had the feeling that the mall was owned by them. No matter what they wanted, the salesclerk would send it to them, for free.

Diana asked the managers out of curiosity about who bought the goods and gifted them to her.

But she received identical replies from them. They just smiled; some would even stole a glance at Casey, and then politely told her that it was a secret.

Diana’s curiosity about the identity about the mysterious gift giver reached the peak. She was basically assured that it was Caesar who paid the bills for them.

When she was living streaming, Caesar also left without saying a word after presenting her the gifts, which was as the same as the way that the mysterious person did in the mall today.

Edith also agreed that it was Caesar who bought the gifts for them; otherwise, she couldn’t think of other people.

Only Casey knew the truth – It was Jordan Lane who specially gifted them to Edith and Diana, in an attempt to please him.

With the comparison of Caesar, Diana despised Casey even more and compared him to a piece of useless rubbish.

If it was not because that Edith had a good understanding in Casey’s performance recently, she would also be persuaded by Diana’s negative remarks about Casey.

Edith and Diana continued to walk around in the mall, and after a short while, they got a handful of gifts, which were all from high-class stores and added up to hundreds of thousands of CNY.

Jordan really tried hard to please Casey regardless of the cost. But of course, the cost of these gifts was only a drop in the bucket regarding the fortune of the Davies family.

But pitifully, Casey was no longer the innocent boy back then. The Davies family was indifferent to the cost of these gifts, so did Casey.

“Hey be careful. There are gifted by my Prince Charming. If they were broken, you’ll not to able to afford the compensation.” Diana looked at Casey with dissatisfaction.

In her mind, Casey was much more inferior to her Prince Charming – he was just a nothing-for-good.

The three then walked out of the mall with a handful of gifts. Diana was in a good mood. She took her gifts and said good bye to Edith, and then called a taxi.

“Edith dear, don’t forget our classmates reunion next week. If you don’t come, our class leader will be very upset.” Diana kindly reminded Edith before leaving.

Casey went back home with Edith carrying the gifts. When they walked pass the entrance of their community, he found that the middle-aged man didn’t come to open his pancake stall today either.

But he didn’t probe into it. When they got into the house, Casey put all the gifts on the table.

Amara walked out the room and saw the gifts piled up on the table. And she quickly walked over to have a further observation.

“Edith, I heard that these are all luxurious goods. Oh my, you must have earned a lot in the last exhibition; otherwise, you won’t have bought these.” Amara exclaimed in surprise.

“These were all gifted by Diana’s Prince Charming. I didn’t spend even a penny.” Edith explained.


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