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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 67

Both Remi and her husband were shocked with their mouths wide open. They seemed to encounter something incredible.

"What did you just say? Your car costs you more than one million?" Her husband shouted surprisingly.

Their son, Brian, nodded to confirm.

Amara and Nicolas were both stunned. They turned to look at Casey.

"How could it be possible that this car is worth more than one million? We can’t get one million even if we sold our house!" Remi said with disbelief.

Nicolas then opened the door of the car and saw the receipt. He took it to have a look, where there was written with "1,220,000". His heart almost skipped a beat.

"It’s true. It was all written on the receipt." Nicolas said.

Remi and her husband hurried to have a look. They were all too shocked to utter when they confirmed the number.

They both didn’t think Casey could afford a car. But he drove a car worth more than one million here and there was even a receipt as proof.

Remi soon softened her hostile attitude. This limousine was even more expensive than her own house.

"Amara, you do have an excellent son-in-law! He could even afford such a limousine! It’s so enviable!" Remi started to envy Amara with another attitude.

Amara was also satisfied. She didn’t expect that Casey really drove such a limousine worth more than one million.

But she still didn’t believe that it was Casey who paid all the money. Perhaps Edith also paid part of the money or Francis rewarded her a sizeable amount of money for her excellent contribution to the company.

‘Well, that should be the case.’ Amara confirmed her own assumption.

"Remi, stop kidding. How could he afford such a luxurious limousine? It must be Edith. She did an excellent work in the company and then she got a reward. So they could manage to afford the limousine." Amara explained.

"Oh, I see. What a good girl, Edith!" Remi said enviously.

"Mom, the car was…" Edith wanted to explain that it was Casey who afforded the car on his own. She didn’t get any reward actually.

"Okay girl, just let me see this car. We could talk a bit later."

Amara turned to see the car and ignored her daughter.

"Amara, I am going back home now." Remi said to her.

"Okay. Oh, by the way, you can go to experience our new car." Amara said happily.

Remi and her family went back to their house awkwardly. They were really defeated in this competition.

When they left, Amara turned to look at Casey, "Well, you took my daughter’s honor this time and you did save our face in front of Remi. But don’t be complacent about it. I don’t think you can afford this car."

Casey was rendered speechless. It seemed that Amara still suspected his capability.

"Okay, give me the key." Amara required.

Casey handed her the key. Amara said to her husband. "Keep the key. Don’t let him drive this limousine."

Nicolas nodded, "You are right. He shouldn’t drive this limousine. Let me try it first."

"Mom, why can’t you let him drive the car? It was him…" Edith was aggrieved for her mom’s harsh word.

"Well, girl, you should know this car worth more than one million. I don’t even bear to see what if the car grazed a bit. How could we let such a shiftless man drive this car?" Amara refuted.

Edith was driven mad by her mom. What an unreasonable one!

Casey held Edith on her shoulders and smiled, "It’s okay since they are happy with it."

"But it was you who bought this car!" Edith huffed.

"It doesn’t matter whoever bought the car. Besides, I bought this car for you to commute. It doesn’t matter to me if I can drive it." Casey answered with a smile.

Edith sighed. She felt she owned him really much.

Both Nicolas and Amara got into the car with great delight.

"Girl, why don’t you hop in? What a limousine! It feels so comfortable." Amara exclaimed.

Edith rolled her eyes at her mom, "No. Just enjoy yourself."

Then she grabbed Casey’s hands and went upstairs.

It was actually the first time that Edith took the initiative to take his hand. For Casey, he would be even willing to afford a hundred limousines like that if he could enjoy such a chance to take her hand.

After all, he had endless money. But the chance was limited to hold her hand.


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