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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 106

“What’s up?” Chen Hao lifted his head and asked.

“Tonight we will be having a gathering with our friends from high school. We will usually gather about once or twice per month. We did not invite you the last time, but since we met you today, I am just going to go ahead and inform you!”

“By the way, Shihan is going as well. Haha, speaking of her, I recalled something. Back when we were studying in high school, you were ranked first while she came in second. Both of you were close to each other and I think you pursued her before right?”

Chen Lin covered her mouth and laughed.

Chen Hao did not say anything

Shihan’s full name was Li Shihan. She was Chen Hao’s classmate. They were very close with each other back in their high school days.

Chen Hao did have a crush on her before, however, he did not understand the meaning of love back then.

As for pursuing her, Chen Hao really did not have the guts to do that.

He recalled that during his freshman year, he had kept in touch with Li Shihan. However, she did not reply to him anymore after that even if Chen Hao initiated the conversation. As time passed, both of them drifted apart from each other.

In a blink of an eye, three years had passed!

“Haha, let’s go then. It just so happened that Shihan mentioned you last month when her boyfriend was treating us to dinner. Sheeven asked us what you were up to recently. All of us were clueless. Since we bumped into you here now, you can finally attend the gathering. Are you free tonight?”

Chen Lin looked at Chen Hao while she said those words. She wanted to see his devastated expression.

However, from Chen Hao’s face, there wasn’t a single trace of devastation.

“I do have some free time tonight!”

“Great! Let’s go then. You can catch up with everyone at the same time!”

While uttering those words, Chen Lin secretly raised her mobile phone and took a few pictures of Chen Hao.

Then, she sent it into their classmate’s group chat.

“Everyone, guess quickly, who is this loser?”

“Huh? Who’s this? Why does he look so familiar? I've seen him before, I‘ve definitely seen him before somewhere!”

“He definitely looks familiar. His face is just too ordinary. Can anyone recall his name?”

Li Shihan: “Is he Chen Hao?”

“Oh yeah! I knew that you would be able to recognize him with one glance. That is indeed Chen Hao. After all, both of you had such a close relationship back in high school!”

Chen Lin said excitedly.

Why was she feeling so excited? That was because she felt a sense of accomplishment for starting a topic of conversation.

This was also the reason why Chen Lin suddenly wanted Chen Hao to attend their gathering.

Many of their classmates left their county and headed to Jin Ling to further their education. There were 4 or 5 students from their class alone who went there.

They might not know Chen Hao but they definitely heard of his name before.

If she brought him to the gathering, there would definitely be a good show.

As if confirming her thoughts, at this moment, the entire group chat exploded with a flurry of messages after they saw her message.

“Was our relationship in high school good? Why did I forget about that already? Haha…” Li Shihan texted.

“Oh my God, how could you forget about your ex-boyfriend after finding a handsome guy in Jiang Nan College?” Chen Lin quickly replied.

“Go to hell. What ex-boyfriend? Why don’t we invite him since we will be meeting everyone as well? After all, he is our classmate.” Li Shihan messaged.


Chen Lin looked at Chen Hao and said, “Chen Hao, everyone wants to meet you, especially Shihan. Since you are free tonight, why don’t you come along? At most, I will cover your expenses since we are going dutch!”

Chen Hao initially wanted to refuse.

To be honest, his friends were few and far between in high school.

Even if he went, he did not know what to say to them.

However, since Chen Lin put it that way, Chen Hao did not think it was right to refuse her.

“Ok, then I‘ll go tonight!” Chen Hao nodded his head.

Chen Lin left after telling him the location of the gathering.

“Such a coincidence that Chen Lin actually became a teacher at my newly-built school!”

After scratching his head for awhile, Chen Hao said resignedly.

He wanted to take a look around for a little longer but he had lost all interest after hearing Chen Lin’s words.


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