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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 23


All the students in the class were stunned. Xu Nan, who was standing on the podium and was preparing to ridicule Chen Hao, had an incredulous look on his face. How did Chen Hao get so rich?

Meng Cairu's lips parted slightly. She felt her breath quickened.

Even Yang Xia, who was at the bottom of the podium, looked shocked.

At one glance, these cash amounted to approximately a few hundred thousand."Chen Ha... where did you get this money from?"

Meng Cairu calmed herself and asked."That's right Chen Hao,there is at least200,000 here."

Several female students near the podium couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, there is 200,000 here. As to where I obtained t... It's from a lottery!"

Chen Hao said.

Of course, he could not tell them about the minimum withdrawal amount that his sister set for him. He knew that they would still treat him like an idiot even if he explained it to them.

Chen Hao definitely would not show off his wealth, unless the situation demanded it, like now.

"You've won the lottery!?"

Chen Hao's words caused quite a stir in the classroom.

Xu Nan, Blondie and the rest of the gang on stage were looking like a bunch of idiots.

They wanted to ridicule Chen Hao in the beginning, but now he had thrown 200,000 at their faces for them to count.

They really deserved it.

They continued to stand on the stage as they were too embarrassed to walk down.

Yang Xia anxiously asked, "Chen Hao, how much did you win?"

Her breathing was fast.

She was afraid that he had won a few million. If that was true, she wanted to jump off the building.

No! Absolutely not!

As somebody who was dumped by her, how could he have such good fortune?!


Chen Hao smiled calmly. "Not much, not much!"

"How much is not much? 200,000?”

Meng Cairu looked at Chen Hao questioningly.

"Whatever you say.." said Chen Hao.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

What did he mean, "Whatever you say"?

The classroom was in an uproar as the students anxiously guessed how much Chen Hao won.

This was because most of the students there, including Meng Cairu, had always looked down on Chen Hao.

He was a poor dude who deserved to be derided and mocked at.

However, now that he had won the lottery, many people's self esteem could not bear it.

But mostly, they were just jealous!

"5,000, it should be easy to count right?" Chen Hao gave the dumbfounded Xu Nan a cold glance.

Then he took out another 5,000 and flung it in front of Meng Cairu.

Then, he turned to the rest of the students and asked, "Who can lend me their bags?"

Since he had revealed that he was rich, Chen Hao did not plan on being a wimp anymore. He decided that he would be like Xu Nan and his gang. Since he had money, he would be firm with his request. Chen Hao wanted to borrow a bag to put the money in!

"Chen Hao, use mine!"

"Chen Hao, use mine, I am not using my bag now anyway!"

“Chen Hao, Chen Ha..."

Many students clamored for his attention at once. They wanted to lend him their bags.

Chen Hao finally borrowed one.

He put the rest of the 190,000 into the bag.

"Why does he look so smug? It's only200,000. Did he even need to show off his money? He even took out the f*cking200,000 in cash. He's really an upstart, such a country bumpkin!"

Xu Nan and Blondie spat out viciously. Yang Xia looked at Chen Hao uncomfortably. She wanted to say something to him but was too embarrassed to do so. Oh my God, it's so frustrating!

If she had dumped him a few days later, Yang Xia was sure that Chen Hao would spend all the 200,000 on her.

"Chen Hao, you are so lucky. Besides, you are pretty popular right now. All the students here are willing to lend you things like bags. Since you are so rich now, don't you want to treat everyone to a meal?"

At this moment, Meng Cairu said out of jealousy from the podium.

"You're right, Young Master Chen. Since you've won 200,000, you should treat us to a meal."

"We are not sure whether our Young Master Chen is willing to or not. We have been classmates for three years already, don't we get to share this glory with you?" Some girls tried to persuade him.

Chen Hao thought, Since I told them that I won the lottery, if I did not treat them to a meal, wouldn't that make them unhappy?


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