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The Promise of Happiness (Natalie and Samuel) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 

The doctor fell silent for a moment

This girl is probably only in her twenties. I wonder what kind of trauma she has experienced to dismiss her current pain with such ease..

Samuel curled his fists as he stared at Natalies bloodied arm

Three cuts... God knows how long these three scars will remain on her arm. Hell, they might not ever heal. For every wound and pain inflicted on Natalie, I will make sure to return the favor to those two scumbags by the millions! Theyll regret ever crossing me, this I swear

The doctor eventually fixed Natalie up and gave her some advice on caring for her stitches. He then turned to Samuel and reminded, Please take good care of your girlfriend.” 

Doctor, youve misunderstood. Hes not.” 

Before Natalie could finish speaking, Samuel hopped in to interject, I will. Thank you so much, doctor.” 

He then carried her out of the emergency room and into a private ward as if they were a loving couple

Along the way, Natalie emphasized aloud, I am not your girlfriend.” 


Since youre aware that we arent a couple, why didn‘t you correct the doctor earlier?” 

At that, Samuel stopped in his steps to gaze adoringly at Natalies face. Because you will eventually become my woman. I am merely exercising my rights early.” 

You-” Natalie shot him a glare

Dont use your deal with Yara as an excuse to avoid me.” Samuel locked eyes with her and added in a firm tone, No one can threaten me except you. Youre the one person who has a hold on me.” 

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Chapter 105 

This man is so charming whenever he gets serious like this..

Meanwhile, whispers of nurses and patients filled every hospital ward

That woman is averagelooking, yet she’s lucky enough to get carried in the arms of that dropdead gorgeous man? I envy her!” 

Hmph. I bet that lady is wealthy and probably obsessed with handsome men. Maybe shes paying him to treat her so well!” 

Eep! I want a droolworthy hunk to carry me in bridal style too!” 

Did you see how gentle he is with her? Ugh, my husband doesnt even treat me with half as much as that man does to her!” 

It was though a stormy cloud formed above Natalie as she listened to the womens envy for her and admiration toward Samuel

These women are out of their minds! I am not as hideous as they make me out to be! Besides, Samuel is obsessed with me and wont let me leave his life at all. I cant get rid of him even if I want to

Natalie was so mad that her cheeks reddened and puffed up

At that sight, an amused chuckle rumbled from Samuels chest while he carried Natalie over to the bed in her private ward

Quit acting so tough all the time.Samuels arms snaked past Natalies sides and forced her into an embrace. He continued, You were obviously worried about Sophia, so much so that you were willing to risk your life for her.” 

At once, Natalies heartbeat skyrocketed from feeling his hot breath tickling against her skin

She quickly averted her gaze to look elsewhere

So what?She muttered. Im only worried about Sophia because I love her and wanted to save her life out of my own free will. It has nothing to do with you, so please stop being nice to me out of gratitude. I don‘t need or want any form of compensation from you.” 


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