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The Promise of Happiness (Natalie and Samuel) novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 

Samuel could smell a waft of medicine when he got close to her. 

He had seen his fair share of women, but none like her. It was as if he was addicted to her. 

Even with a face like hers, he still thought that she was beautiful, and the fonder he grew of her. 

“What a load of crap.” Natalie huffed and started degrading herself out of frustration. “You really think I‘m pretty? Look at me.” 

“You‘re pretty.” 

Natalie just put her hands on his chest and started to push him away. “Yeah, right...” 

However, in the next second, Samuel quickly and forcefully planted a kiss on her lips. 


Natalie was dumbstruck and tried to retreat, but her back was then planted against the cold wall. 

She had nowhere to retreat now. 

Their lips collided, and the atmosphere was starting to get pretty steamy. Natalie was trying her best to breathe through all this. 

After a while, Samuel finally removed his lips from her, but what awaited him was a slap on the face as Natalie swung her hand: 

Slap! A clear slapping sound was heard, which made Natalie stunned. 

Knowing Samuel‘s skills, he could easily stop Natalie‘s hand or even avoid it if he wanted to, but he didn‘t. 

With heavy breathing and slightly plumped lips, Natalie said frustratingly, “Samuel, this is the kindergarten! How shameless of you!” 

“I just can‘t control myself.” Samuel slightly lifted his gaze as it deepened further while speaking in a husky voice, “I never thought you could be this addictive. You‘re far more attractive compared to any women I‘ve met.” 


Why does this sound like bullshit

However, when she saw the passionate emotions in his eyes, she realized that he was speaking the truth. 

Natalie wore the hyper–realistic mask to conceal her identity, so she got used to people hating on her, showing their disgust just because of the mask she was wearing. Samuel, however, never once thought of her as ugly. 

Natalie could then feel her heart trembling. She also felt a certain type of warmth, and that soothing feeling felt reassuring. It was the first time she ever felt that way. 

She truly yearned for warmth like this, but she was afraid to be indulgent. Natalie felt like Icarus, flying too close to the sun. She knew that her feelings would be the end of 


She was hesitant as she struggled. 



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