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The Promise of Happiness (Natalie and Samuel) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

“I know it was parents‘ visit day at Sophia and Franklin‘s school today, so I asked the film crew for a day off to join you guys. Sadly, it seemed like the event already ended when I got there,” Yara explained patiently. 

Samuel only Hummed in response, making her upset by the way he was behaving. 

I stood by him all these years, but why cant he even spare a few more words to me

“Samuel, can you not treat me this way?” Yara was on the verge of tears. 

“I fell pregnant with Sophia and Franklin before getting married. I am their mom, yet I can‘t be by their side every day.” She slowly made her way to him as tears rolled down her face. “They don‘t even like me or want to spend time with me. Even you... , You‘re so cold to me. Samuel, we were so intimate before. Can‘t you treat me better?” 

In front of Yara‘s slender figure and tear–stained face, any other man would have pulled her into his embrace out of heartache. 

However, Samuel remained indifferent. He did not even budge. 

“When you brought Sophia and Franklin back then, I‘ve already made it very clear to you.” 


“I never promised you anything,” Samuel blurted with his eyes narrowed. “Not then, and definitely not now.”. 

“But I‘m still Sophia and Franklin‘s mom!” Yara shouted, feeling upset and indignant. 

That was her trump card. Samuel could disregard her, but the twins could not. Even without his promise or a title as his wife, she was still the mother to the heir of the Bowers family. 

“Oh, really?” Samuel asked casually. 

Yara did not catch on to the change of his expression and continued to complain. “... I‘m not asking for much. All I want is to stay by your side and watch Sophia and Franklin grow up healthily.” 


Samuel pursed his lips and kept quiet. His gaze was on her for the longest time. It was as if he was about to see through her. 


It was the first time he looked at her for so long. Even Yara began to feel uncomfortable under his gaze. 

Shes just the same as her... They have the same eyes. If I were to only compare the shape and color of their eyes, there would be no difference at all. Its a pity that these eyes arent as bright and clear as the ones I like. Whats the point of being similar when its not the one I want

I only had my eyes on him for the past six years and even killed my sister for him! Im not going to just let him go like this


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