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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 116

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 116

Under Oscar’s orders, Adam gave a call to Emmeline.

“Family meeting?” Emmeline said. “That has nothing to do with me!”

“Ms. Louise, I’m only the messenger. If you have any opinion about it, you can tell that to Grandfather.”

“You thug!” Emmeline was about to give him a piece of her mind when the call abruptly ended.

Emmeline’s face was red with anger.

Thugs! All of them! No one from the Ryker family can be reasoned with!

Even Abel is telling me I have to go to the family meeting. What does that have to do with me?

I’m so fed up with you, Abel!

Emmeline dialed Abel’s number on her phone.

At that moment, Abel was in the smoking lounge with Luca. He left his phone in the room.

Alana quickly got out of bed and picked up the phone.

Emmeline? Heheh! Don’t you know you’re courting trouble? Alana smirked.

She tapped the answer button and said, “Hey, Emmeline! Are you looking for my husband?”

…Alana? What did she say? Her husband? Who is her husband?

Did she mean… Abel?

Emmeline did not reply. She ended the call immediately.

However, the call was immediately returned.

Emmeline thought Abel was calling her. She answered it.

“Emmeline, don’t forget about the family meeting tomorrow!” Alana said and ended the call.

Emmeline stared at her phone in shock.

She did not want to attend the meeting, but it looked like she had to.

She cracked her knuckles. Fine, I’ll go. I’m not afraid of you!

After the call ended, Alana laughed smugly. “I’ll be waiting for you, Emmeline!”

She deleted the call records and returned to the bed.

Abel felt a lot calmer after smoking a cigarette.


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