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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 12

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Charge Her With Murder

“The one who’s allergic to kiwi is you!” Rosaline tugged at her son’s shirt. “Did you make a mistake? Why does Hesperus seem like your shadow?!”

“How is that possible?” Abel frowned. “I’ve only touched that woman!”

“But Emmeline…”

“This could just be a coincidence.”

Rosaline nodded but her suspicions never went away.

The butler called for the family doctor again and prescribed the child antihistamines.

Hesperus was out like a light after taking the drug.

“We should be going,” Emmeline picked her son up into her arms and called for Helios and Endymion. “Let’s go home.”

“Wait.” Abel suddenly got to his feet. “That would be impolite.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Abel?” Emmeline’s voice was tinged with ice.

“Abel.” Alana looked tense. “Will you be driving them back? My car is…”

“It’s already storming out,” Abel said to Emmeline. “Hesperus shouldn’t be exposed to the cold in his condition. I’ll have the butler prepare a guest room.”

It was only then that Emmeline noticed the muffled sound of rain pattering against the glass window.

She could only acquiesce after taking one look at her son’s red and puffy face.

She didn’t want to stay, but Hesperus was in no condition to go into the rain.

The consequences would be disastrous if he relapsed from his blood disorder.

That was when Abel’s phone rang.

It was his grandfather, Oscar.

Abel picked up the call.

“Have you carried out the task I gave you, brat?”

“Grandad.” There was a furrow between his brows. “It’s only been one day. You need to give me time!”

“And time is my great grandson!” Oscar bellowed. “Call Wonder Doctor’s assistant and have him arrange an appointment for you!”


“No buts. I’ll be back in an hour! Don’t pick me up. I have my men for that!”

“What did your grandfather say?” Rosaline asked after Oscar hung up.

“He wants me to propose to Wonder Doctor,” Abel placidly answered. “He also said he would be back soon.”


Everyone in the room was shocked.

Frederick was being incredibly stubborn for a man who had just recovered!

Rosalind immediately instructed the butler, “Search Oscar’s room and see if there’s anything wrong with it.”

Alana’s heart was thumping out of her chest. What was going to happen to her now that Oscar was forcing Abel to propose to Wonder Doctor?

Emmeline was dumbfounded. What is happening? Oscar Ryker wants Abel to propose to me?

What the hell?

Unbeknownst to her turmoil, Abel was back on the sofa to contact Wonder Doctor’s assistant.

Oscar always kept his word. It didn’t matter what the outcome was going to be. He had to make the call.

“I’m Abel Ryker…”

Benjamin cut in, “Mr. Oscar’s health has been restored. Mr. Wonder Doctor has no reason to see him again.”

“I know,” Abel started. “But I need to see her. Please arrange for an appointment for me and Ms. Wonder Doctor.”


Benjamin was shocked. The Rykers knew Wonder Doctor was a woman?

Had they found out that she was Emmeline?

“…I’ll have to ask Wonder Doctor. I’ll get back to you in a bit, Mr. Abel.”

“Thank you.” Abel put away his phone.

Emmeline, meanwhile, switched her phone to silent mode.

Just as expected, Benjamin called.

She killed it and sent him a text instead. “Type.”

Benjamin immediately replied, “Not good, Boss. Mr. Abel Ryker wants to see you. He knows you’re a woman!”

“I know.”

“He’s waiting for me to answer him.”

“Tell him I don’t have time!”


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