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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 124

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 124

“Sir, I hope you’re a man of your word. If this is what Adrien is, please don’t force me to marry him,” Emmeline said.

Oscar waved his hand defeatedly, as though he was saying, “Get out.”

Emmeline breathed a sigh of relief and skipped out of the room.

As soon as she left, Adrien came into the ward and dragged Abel to the lounge.

“You have to help me, Abel.”

“You brought this onto yourself, Adrien. How could you?” Abel said.

“I didn’t expect it to be so serious! It was still standing this morning, but it didn’t react at all during the examination.”

Abel took the cigarette Adrien offered him “How can I help you then?”

Adrien lit up his cigarette.

“You have a way to contact the Wonder Doctor, right? Please set up an appointment with her for me. I want to beg her to cure my impotence!”

“She?” Abel nodded. “Yes, I believe she can do that.”

“Contact her as soon as possible. I can’t wait any longer!”

Abel took his phone and was about to search through his contact list when he suddenly thought of something.

If I’m contacting the Wonder Doctor…

“Wait. I need to discuss something with Grandfather. I’ll call the Wonder Doctor afterward.”

“What’s so important?”

“It concerns my future!”

“Fine then,” Adrien said sullenly. “I’m too embarrassed to see Grandfather. You can go in yourself.”

“Wait for me.” Abel went into Oscar’s room.

Oscar’s blood pressure was high from the fit of anger yesterday, but his condition was stable after he took medication.

However, he had to stay in the hospital for one more day for observation.

Abel came into the room and closed the door. Oscar’s assistant was locked outside.

Oscar could tell Abel had something to tell him.


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