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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 130

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 130

“It’s nothing too remarkable,” Maxwell said. “She can treat simple illnesses, but nothing too complicated. That’s what Ethan told me.”

“She can cure a stroke!” Alondra exclaimed.

“Remember to invite Emma home for dinner after I’m feeling better!” Maxwell said.

“Of course.” Alondra grinned. “We should invite Mr. York too. He’ll help us rebuild our family business!”

Meanwhile, Abel was at Ryker’s Hospital. He had been waiting for any news from the Wonder Doctor for a day and a night.

Benjamin had totally forgotten

about it because he was busy taking care of Emmeline.

Abel went out of the ward to make a phone call in the lounge.

He met Alondra at the door.

Alondra smiled fawningly. “Mr. Ryker. I’m here to visit Alana.”

“Mm,” Abel replied and nodded.

Alondra stepped aside to make way for Abel.

As Abel walked away, he dialed Benjamin’s number.

Benjamin was working in the top- floor office of the Adelmar Group building when his phone rang.

When he noticed Abel’s name on

the screen, he remembered what he promised him yesterday.

Benjamin answered the call and said, “Mr. Ryker! I was just about to call you.”

“Mm. So what did Ms. Wonder Doctor say? The people here are waiting for an answer.’

“It’s like this… Unfortunately, Ms. Wonder Doctor isn’t accepting any appointments for the near future. She’s focusing on her research.”

Abel frowned. What a coincidence.

“When will she be free again? It’s very urgent.”

“Between five to ten days, probably.”

“That won’t do. I don’t have much time.” Abel was worried about his contract with his grandfather.

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Ryker. I can’t do anything about it,” Benjamin said.

“In that case… Please tell Ms. Wonder Doctor to come over as soon as she’s free!” Abel said.

“will forward your message to her.”

“I need her to be cured within a month!” Abel said.

You’re so worried about Alana! Benjamin felt sorry for Emmeline.


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