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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 161

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 161

Emmeline had no plans of using the restroom; instead, she intended to go outside and give those two a chance to get more comfortable with each other.

Janie appeared very reserved when she was with Benjamin, and there was no hint of her

flamboyant personality at all.

As Emmeline turned on the faucet, she hummed a nursery rhyme

while washing her hands.

“You seem to be very happy today!” came a cold voice from behind.

Upon hearing that, Emmeline’s head whipped around.

Abel covered her mouth and pulled her into a cubicle, locking the door with a click.

“Hey, what do you want to do?” Emmeline muffled her words through Abel’s hand.

Emmeline’s first instinct was to retaliate, but once she realized who it was, she relaxed as she remembered the ointment he had given her the night before.

Abel enveloped her slender waist with his arms and pinned her to the wall, his towering stature looming over her.

His thumb brushed against her lips as he asked, “What do you

think I should do?”

“How am I supposed to know?”

Only then die Emmeline notice the suppressed anger in his eyes, and asked in a panic, “Why are you bere?”

Abel snorted coldly, “Am I not allowed to be here? Are you afraid that I’ll see it?”

“Huh?” Emmeline was confused

and didn’t understand what he

was referring to.

Abel bowed his head and

continued, “Emmeline, you are not

bad, not bad at all!”


“What do you mean?”

Abel let out a cold laugh and sneered, “On one hand, you have Adrien waiting for you, and now you have Benjamin here with you. Occasionally, you even find the time to hook up with me. It seems like the rumor that caused an uproar in Struyria five years ago wasn’t baseless after all!”

Emmeline’s expression suddenly changed as she asked herself, “What is this man talking about?”

“Abel, what do you mean by saying all of that?”

“You don’t understand what I’m saying? Are you playing dumb with

me? You’re a despicable woman!”

Unable to contain her anger any longer, Emmeline broke free from his restraint, and elbowed him in the process.

Abel deftly dodged to the side, then quickly reached out and took hold of her elbow, drawing her back into his embrace once more.

“I acknowledge your skills, however, you are competing against someone with military training. If you do not accept this as your defeat, you are welcome to make another attempt.”

“Irrespective of who you are, I cannot withstand being insulted in

such a way. Abel Ryker, I insist that you apologize to me immediately for what you said.”

“You made me angry. Why should I apologize to you?!”

Emmeline’s eyes filled with tears and she spoke in a sharp tone, “I’ll say it one more time! Abel Ryker, apologize to me right now!”


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