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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 164

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 164

Abel was stunned. Did Emmeline just say his name in her sleep? She was dreaming about him, wasn’t she?

However, he was let down the next minute when Emmeline

murmured, “Go away! I don’t want to see you again!”

He was frustrated. How could she ask him to go away? Was she that angry with him? He began to feel sorry. It’s all my fault, Emma, could you please forgive me and stop being angry?

At this moment, he heard Luca’s voice from beneath. Luca was being questioned by a cop on patrol. Luca tried to explain, “Sir, I

am not trying to steal or anything, okay? I am merely looking for a place to pee because I have to go


“You will be fine for public urination,” the cop said curtly.

“No, sir, I have not even unzipped myself,” Luca continued to explain, but the cop was not in the mood to listen, “Cut the crap and just pay the fine. I don’t care for your


Emmeline must have heard the noise too, as she stirred a little on the swing. Abel quietly moved away from the balcony and returned to her bedroom. He watched the cop drive away

before climbing out of the bedroom window and returning to the spot in front of the garage.

Luca immediately ran toward Abel. “Mr. Abel, you are finally back! Abel put a finger on his lips and whispered, “Be quiet! She could hear us from the balcony.”

Luca stopped speaking, and they quickly got back into the car. Luca showed Abel the fine he just got, “What should I do about this, Mr. Abel?”

Without saying anything, Abel took out his phone and transferred the exact fine amount to Luca.

Emmeline’s murmurs in her sleep

still lingered in Abel’s mind. She was asking him to go away, and he was boiling because of it. If she had said nothing else after saying his name in her sleep, he might have transferred more money to Luca because he would have been thrilled.

Luca had no idea what happened on the balcony. He wasn’t even sure at first that Abel had only transferred to him the exact fine amount. It wasn’t like Abel at all; he used to be generous..


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