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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 166

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 166

Daisy had gone out, so Abel had to make breakfast on his own in the kitchen. He wore an apron and began to make breakfast.

Shortly after, he made three sets of pancakes. He was about to bring the pancakes downstairs when he realized it was a bad idea. Sam would be in his way. He needed to speak with Emmeline alone.

However, if he had asked Sam to eat her breakfast alone at the cafe, it would be too obvious that he wanted to be alone with

Emmeline, which could anger Emmeline further. He would not want that either.

He sighed and brought the pancakes downstairs. “Breakfast is ready. Let’s dig in!” Emmeline

and Sam went upstairs, and Abel returned upstairs as well.

To his surprise, Sam took her plate of pancakes and said, “Someone needs to be in the cafe. I will bring this to eat downstairs.”

To his dismay, Emmeline followed Sam downstairs, “I need to watch the desserts I am baking. I will eat downstairs too.”

They left Abel sitting in front of his pancakes alone. They did not know he was so full now he couldn’t eat the pancakes. He had had a heavy breakfast with Mateo at the Nimbus Hotel earlier. He would not have Mateo working on an empty stomach.

He did not know what to do with the pancakes now. He sighed and

decided to bring the pancakes to the balcony, where Mateo was working. Mateo might enjoy the pancakes after a morning of hard work in the garden.

Mateo was hard at work when Abel found him. “You are right, Mr. Abel. This garden needs a trim. Everything is out of shape now.”

“Take your time, Mateo,” Abel said, “Why don’t you eat some pancakes first?”

“Pancakes?” Mateo was surprised. “We already had a heavy breakfast this morning.”

“You should be hungry now after working so hard,” Abel brought Mateo the plate of pancakes. “Take a break and have some pancakes now.”



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