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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 171

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 171

The driver started the ignition.

Back at the office, Abel devoted his time to his work.

However, his hostile expression made all the managers reporting to him feel like they were stepping on thin ice.

In the afternoon, Abel called everyone for a meeting to discuss a new project.

Halfway through the meeting, Oscar arrived unannounced.

Everyone in the conference room stood up.

Oscar waved his hand and said, “Don’t mind me. Continue.”

He sat down at a chair close to

the wall and listened in on the meeting. His smile grew wider and wider.

Judging from the scope of the project, the person he chose to inherit the company had not disappointed him.

After the meeting ended, Abel helped Oscar walk to his office.

He poured a glass of water for his grandfather and placed it on the coffee table.

Abel sat down on the sofa next to Oscar and asked, “Grandfather,

what brings you here today?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to see how things are.”

“I see. How is the condition of

your body?”

“I’m fine. I haven’t heard from you in a few days, and I was

wondering what you’ve been doing.”

Abel was silent for a while. He guessed that Oscar must have heard some news.

“I’m glad that you’re managing the Ryker Group well, but you

shouldn’t forget the contract between you and me.”

Abel fixed his gaze on the glass of water on the coffee table. He did not look at his grandfather.

He knew Oscar was talking about the contract they had signed back in the hospital.

He would not have to marry Alana if she was fully cured in a month. Otherwise, he would have to marry her.

“Can the Wonder Doctor treat Alana in a month?”

Abel shook his head. He had not managed to set an appointment with the Wonder Doctor yet.

“She can’t do it? That’s weird, considering she can even save me from the brink of death…”

“The Wonder Doctor isn’t accepting any appointments,” Abel said. “She said she’s focusing on her research for the next month.”

“Hahaha!” Oscar laughed. “I can’t help you with that. Looks like luck isn’t on your side.”


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