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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 189

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 189

Adam was lost for words. Did Emmeline say eBay?

“Did you say eBay?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Adam mumbled to himself. Was the exact same needle sold on eBay?

For someone his age, Adam had never downloaded the app


“I’ll show you the app. If you like the needle, I can place an order for you.”

Emmeline grabbed a napkin to wipe her hands before clicking on a link Sam sent her.

The link brought her to an online shop, displaying needles of

different sizes and materials.

Among them was the steel needle Adam had couriered to her.

“Adam, do you see anything you like? I add the product to the shopping cart and get the stuff all at once later.” Emmeline showed the products to Adam.

“Never mind!” Adam grew frustrated.

Nothing went according to plan.

In fact, the situation now blew his mind.

It was completely different from what he had expected. The difference was like night and day.

“Adam, are you finished with your


With sparkling eyes, Emmeline said, “I would suggest you do your homework on Game of Thrones before you retell the story to me.”

Adam vexedly replied, “No more stories from me. Drink!”

He intended to scare Emmeline before forcing her to get together with Adrien. Now, he was no longer in the mood to carry on with the plan.

Adam started the story, bearing no

substance anyway.

How was he supposed to ask something of her if his words

carried no weight?

Who cared?

“Let’s drink!” Emmeline grabbed the bottle and chugged it.

Adam stared at his bottle and held it to take another two sips.

“Adam, don’t worry about drunk drinking. You can call a

designated driver to take us back,” Emmeline uttered.

“I have a chauffeur.”

“That’s it. Just drink all you want!”

Adam said, “It’s hard to tell that you can be so barbaric when it comes to eating and drinking.”

“I was left homeless after I was kicked out of the house. I’m grateful to have something to eat and drink. Beggars can’t be choosers,” Emmeline responded

with a smile.

The Louise family drove her out of the house five years ago, and Emmeline had been roaming the street until she met Master Robert.


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