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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 198

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 198

Alana smiled coquettishly. She squatted and put her slender hands on Adam’s thighs.

“Mr. Adam, you kept me waiting.”

Adam pinched her face and

sneered. “You don’t even have that patience?”

“I just want to come in and serve you quickly.”

Alana put her hands on Adam’s chest and stroked his firm chest


She thought Adam would not have resistance while facing a beauty like her. Furthermore, before coming here, she dressed and made herself more beautiful.

However, Adam slapped off her


Alana froze for a moment, then raised her head full of surprise.

How would Adam refuse my temptation? Is this man abstinent? But he’s not Abel.

“Mr. Adam.” Alana pouted to pretend aggrieved. “Am I not pretty or sexy enough?”

“What do you think I am?”

Adam shoved Alana to the ground in disgust.

“You’re a woman who had a miscarriage! How dare you

seduce me? Do you think I lack women?”

Alana was stunned. She did not

expect Adam to humiliate her. She only saw that she was beautiful

but forgot that she had a miscarriage.

“Look yourself in the mirror!” Adam stepped on Alana’s face. “You’re so blatant to come to me with an ugly face!”

Tears welled up in Alana’s eyes, and she pretended to be pity. “Mr. Adam, I remember you said I have sweet looking!”

Adam sneered. “I was just curious about you. After I slept with you, I know you’re nothing more than that!”

Alana lay on the ground. She felt as if her skin had been torn off her face.

As the Palace Lord of the Imperial Palace, Adam had many women. She should know that. She was too confident in herself.


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