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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 201

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 201

Benjamin sat on the edge of the executive desk and reached for the phone.

The secretary said, “Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Louise is looking for you.”

Mr. Louise?

“Is it Maxwell Louise from Louise Corporation?”

“Yes, Mr. Benjamin. That’s him.”

Benjamin turned to Emmeline, covered the phone receiver, and whispered to Emmeline, “Your dad is here.

“My dad?” Emmeline thought, then nodded, “Let him in.”

“Go to the inner room and stay for a while.” Benjamin pointed to his lounge.

Emmeline went to the lounge while taking her cup of coffee.

After ending the call, the secretary invited Maxwell into the CEO’s office.

After all, it was Emmeline’s father. Benjamin got up to greet him and pour him a glass of water.

Maxwell sat on the sofa and said stiffly, “Mr. Benjamin, I come here without an appointment. I apologize.”

“That’s fine.”

“I’m sure you know why I come.” Maxwell’s expression was a little bitter

Of course, Benjamin knew that.

Since Maxwell dismissed Ethan from Louise Corporation, Adelmar Group had stopped all cooperation with Maxwell.

Moreover, several companies cooperating with Louise

Corporation also canceled their orders in response.

That made Louise Corporation’s business go downhill and difficult.

As a result, Maxwell got a sudden cerebral infarction because of that matter.

Now that he had recovered. His relationship with Emmeline and Ethan also had eased. So, his first thought was to take the opportunity to restore the business. Otherwise, how could

be live in the future? He could not rely on Alondra, who only knew to squander money.

Benjamin nodded. “I’ve also heard a little about the situation of Louisé Corporation.”

Maxwell begged, “Mr. Benjamin, for Emma’s sake, please forgive me. Let the past be the past. Please care for Louise Corporation.”

Benjamin was about to speak but heard Emmeline cough twice from the lounge as a hint.


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