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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 227

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 227

Emmeline was sitting opposite Adrien. Her demeanor made him shrink a little.

Sam served Emmeline hot coffee.

Emmeline felt sympathetic for Adrien when she saw him looking very dull. Serves him right for simply taking all sorts of medication, it could bring harm to his health. Don’t let anything bad happen to him, he’s still the dad of the triplets.

Emmeline took out a needle from her bag and placed it in between her fingers.

“Adrien, why aren’t you talking to me? Are you mute?” She hit him lightly.


“What? Aren’t you a talkative guy? Cat got your tongue today?” She hit him again.


“Man up! Spit it!” She hit him the final time.

Adrien felt a tingle when she hit him and it felt good. Aww… Emmeline hit me with her delicate


Once he thought of that, he felt hot and something “woke up”.

“Emma! I’m fully a man again. I got it back up!”

Adrien jumped up from his seat.

Sam looked up from the counter. What’s wrong with him jumping up and down?

“You got it back?” Emmeline frowned. “You did it on purpose, right?”

“I’m not lying, Emma! I got it back up once you hit me. Can’t believe you have that power!” Adrien said excitedly.

“F*ck off. Don’t be happy too soon. Better do a check-up at the andrology to prove it is still functioning normally.”

“You’re right. I’m going now. If I recover, I’ll bring you the medical report. We…”

“We don’t have anything going on between us. I don’t want to see it.”


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