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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 230

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 230

know what to do.” Adam patted Adrien’s shoulder. “Your sons are my nephews; your wife is my wife. Oops… my sister-in-law…”

Adrien was speechless.

Adam continued, “I wouldn’t want them to get hurt and frightened too. Don’t worry. Your brother got it.”

“Alright. I’ll leave it to you.” Adrien nodded.

Adam called his assistant instantly to give instructions. Then, he turned to Adrien, “You will enter after they all went in.”

“No problem. I will enter during the climax.”

“One of my men will beg you to spare his life. The scene will enhance your heroic image.”

Adrien smiled when he thought of the scene later. He could already see the bandits being beaten by him and Emma secured in his embrace. She would shyly say, “Adrien, I’m in love with you. You’re my hero. Please protect me from now on.”

“Hahaha…” Adrien laughed.

“Let’s go. Don’t think of it now. Focus on your performance later!”

“Don’t worry, Adam!” Adrien patted his chest with confidence.

Both of them left for Emmeline’s café.

Emmeline just got back from the studios and she realized it was time to fetch the kids.

It’s raining outside, will the kids feel cold?

She was about to leave after taking her keys and a few men came into the shop.

They didn’t look like they were here for coffee.


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