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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 237

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 237

“Sorry, it’s my carelessness.” Kendra hurriedly squatted down to clean up.

“Auntie, you must be tired and you don’t look well,” said Timothy “Yes,” Kendra smiled, “the baby is always fussing around and I don’t sleep well.”

“Then we should go now. Rest well.” Abel got up.

Luca then handed over the bag containing ten thousand dollars.

“Ms. Kendra, this is a small token of appreciation from Mr. Abel. Thank you for helping Timothy.”

“What is this?” Kendra hesitated.

“A little cash,” said Abel, “It’s not convenient for you to work while nursing a baby.”

“I can’t take it,” Kendra shook her head, “I nearly brought danger to Timothy. I’m already blaming myself for it.”

“That’s not your fault, that old woman has been brought to justice. It has nothing to do with you.”

“Auntie, just take it,” Timothy took Kendra’s hand, “You can’t starve your baby anymore.”

Tears rolled down Kendra’s face as she was touched.

“We’ll go back first. If you’re in a difficult situation in the future. Come to me in Struyria.” said Abel.

He instructed Luca to leave the office landline number “Mr. Abel, please don’t tell anyone that I’m living here,” Kendra said with teary eyes.

Abel froze slightly, are there any more secrets in this shabby place?

“Especially Alana.”

Abel frowned and he felt like asking something, but he didn’t.

The group of people left Brookwaters Village.

Emmeline’s side.

Ethan followed Benjamin’s instructions and took the project to Louise Corporation, looking for his dad Maxwell to discuss eooperation.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of his sister, Emmeline.

Ethan gave Emmeline a call.

“Mr. Benjamin asked me to give Louise Corporation a few suitable projects. Do you want to go with me?”

“We’re going to Dad’s company?”

“Of course, it’s there to talk about business.”

“Sure,” Emmeline said, “I haven’t been there for years, why don’t you come and pick me up.”


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