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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 241

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 241

I’m the one who owns Adelmar Group.

“And your acupuncture had such a miraculous effect. Emma, are you hiding something from us?”

“Not at all! It’s not a big problem.”

“Then you and Adelmar…”

“The business that Adelmar gave to Louise Corporation is small. He would do anything I want as he is in love with me.”

“But Benjamin called you Ms. Louise.”

“He also called me an aunt!”

Ethan then stopped talking.

He knew his sister was cute, and it wasn’t impossible for Benjamin to spoil her.

“I’m not going to listen to you. I had to listen to Mr. Benjamin himself” Maxwell muttered.

Emmeline had no choice but to call Benjamin again. Benjamin then called Ethan again.

“Adelmar Group and Louise Corporation will continue to cooperate,” Benjamin said, “Tell your father, if he pisses off that auntie, I can’t do anything about it!”

“Okay, okay,” Ethan hurriedly said, “Thank you, Mr. Benjamin.”

Benjamin was about to hang up the phone.

“Mr. Benjamin!” Ethan called out.


“Erm… don’t always spoil that girl, spoiled girls can’t be controlled.

“Don’t you spoil her too?” Benjamin asked.

Ethan kept quiet. He spoiled his sister for more than twenty years.

“But Emma, although Mr. Benjamin does spoil you, you still need to keep your distance. Adrien is still better as he is blood-related to the triplets.”

Emmeline was furious, “Can you stop mentioning this?”

“But this is the fact!”

Emmeline stomped her feet while leaving.


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