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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 261

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 261

“That’s not the point here.” Ethan had a frown on his face. “Just call Mr. Benjamin on the intercom and tell him that I need his help to look for my sister.”

“Are you trying to pull my leg, Mr. Ethan?” Ms. Plummer said haughtily, “Mr. Benjamin might fire you for causing him unnecessary distractions during an important meeting with a guest.”

“Just call him already!” Ethan snapped at her.

“Very well.” Ms. Plummer replied, “You’re taking full responsibility if Mr. Benjamin gets angry about this.”

“Yes, I will. I’ll make sure that you won’t have to bear any of the consequences for doing this!”

Ethan nodded firmly.

Janie stood at the side and watched as those two bickered. As Ms. Plummer’s superior, Janie was about to stop the young lady and make her call Benjamin right away. However, Ethan had managed to get the lady to do it before she opened her mouth to say something.

Ms. Plummer used the intercom to call Benjamin. After waiting for quite some time, Benjamin finally answered the phone.

“Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Ethan is asking to see you. He says that he needs your help to look for his sister,” Ms. Plummer explained in a brisk manner.

“I am pondering over what to do about the issue as well. You can let Mr. Ethan in,” Benjamin replied.

Ms. Plummer was momentarily stunned.

Is Mr Ethan’s sister someone extremely important? Even Mr. Benjamin is trying to look for her now?

“What did I tell you?” Ethan saw the look of bewilderment on Ms. Plummer’s face and knew that he had gotten permission to enter.

He went ahead and opened the door to the CEO’s office. Janie quickly followed behind him and entered Benjamin’s office as well.

However, both of them halted in their tracks as soon as they spotted Benjamin’s guest.

Janie pointed at Abel and asked curiously, “Aren’t you Emma’s gardener?”

Abel frowned slightly.

Janje scanned the man from top to bottom for a bit. Then, she said, “That doesn’t make any sense though. A gardener wouldn’t be wearing such an expensive suit. That Givenchy suit on you cost at least ten thousand dollars. Am I right?”

Upon hearing her words, Abel was finally reminded that he had met Janie before. Emma had introduced him to Janie as her gardener back when he helped her with the garden works.

“Mr. Abel… Are you here because of Emma’s disappearance as well?” Ethan asked. He had calmed down a little by then.


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