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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 263

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 263

“Of course.” Abel gave a scoff. “The Ryker Group and the Adelmar Group would be facing one of our biggest crises for our businesses. We’ll probably have to spend all of our money and assets just to buy a woman.”

“We’ll probably become a laughing stock to others. However, we couldn’t bother ourselves with what they might think about this. They might not even understand if we were to explain about it,” Benjamin said.

He narrowed his eyes and asked, “However… Wouldn’t Old Mr. Ryker punish you severely if you were to proceed with our plan?”

“Isn’t it the same for you as well?” Abel chuckled quietly. “You just hold the position of the CEO in the

Adelmar Group, after all.”

Benjamin fell silent upon hearing Abel’s response.

The actual owner of the Adelmar Group is Emmeline. However, I’ll use whatever means available if it means that we can save her.

“Don’t worry. I’m willing to go as far as to sacrifice myself and my company just to save Emma. We will get her out of that place safely!” Abel said.

“Alright!” Benjamin held his hand out toward Abel. “We’ll prepare as much funds as we can get. Then, we’ll work together to save Emma on the day of the auction!”

Abel took Benjamin’s hand and gave it a firm shake. “We’ll prepare

the funds and the firearms simultaneously!”

“Of course!”

Soon afterward, they called for Ethan and Janie. Then, Benjamin briefly explained their current situation to them.

For a moment, both Ethan and Janie were at a loss for words upon learning that the Imperial Palace was using Emmeline to threaten both the Ryker Group and the Adelmar Group.

“You can’t tell anyone about this.” Benjamin looked at Janie. “Especially you, Janie!”

Janie nodded vigorously. “I know! I know! Emma’s life and death are on the line, after all.”

“Mr. Benjamin, how do we rescue Emma from that place, though? I can’t just wait and do nothing

while my sister gets sold off as a product to someone else?!” Ethan asked dejectedly.

“The Ryker Group and the Adelmar Group will work together in rescuing Emmeline. You have nothing to worry about,” Benjamin replied.

“We will find a way to save her, but we can’t tell you more about the details of our plans,” Abel added.

Ethan’s eyes were bright with tears. “I can’t thank the two of you enough for this! I’m sure Emma would be thankful if she knew what you guys were doing for her.”

After that, Abel returned to his

office at the Ryker Group’s building. His secretary brought him a parcel as soon as he got there.


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