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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 272

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 272

Let our guys in so that they could check their position,” uttered Abel


Benjamin left the room. Before long, Luca and twelve other elite guards came in. Abel dragged a box out of his wardrobe and unlocked it. There were only guns. and ammunition inside.

“Eric, head to my trunk and bring those babies in,” ordered Benjamin.

“Sure thing, Mr. Benjamin.”

Shortly after, Eric came with another box. Benjamin opened it. It was a box full of disassembled sniper rifles. With a few swift motions, Benjamin gathered all the components he needed and

assembled the rifle Abel was amused. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one who was

professionally trained in the room.

“Mr. Benjamin, your identity is getting more and more mysterious,” Abel chimed in.

“This is nothing.” Benjamin tried to aim with the sniper rifle. “My boss is an expert in firearms.”

“Your boss tinkers with these too?”

Yes, Emmeline was a gifted shooter.

“It’s her hobby.” Benjamin smiled. It wasn’t a wrong answer. She did dip her toes into shooting like she did with car racing.

Abel then used a projector to show the guards the layout of Imperial Palace. They talked at length about the rescue route and their respective roles. When the meeting was over, everyone left the study.


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