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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 274

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 274

After a few days of training, Emmeline now knew how to dance and entertain. Every gesture from her was alluring and beguiling. No man could possibly resist hef seduction. When Adam was busy taking in the sight before him, his phone rang. It was from Adrien. There was no way Adam would risk exposing himself here by answering the call. So he declined it. But Adrien was annoyingly persistent today. After a while, Adam decided to go to another room to take the call.


He slammed the door behind him. “What is wrong with you, Adrien?” Adam hollered.

“Adam?” Adrien was taken aback by the vexation of his brother. “Did you have a bad day or something?”

“I’m about to go to sleep but you just have to call me at this hour.”

“Sleep?” Adrien was dumbfounded. Was today International Go-to-bed-early Day?

Adrien couldn’t care less. He had This priority. “Adam, Abel took the triplets away.”

Adam processed that piece of information. “So? Who cares who raises them?”

“But they are my sons! I should raise them,” Adrien cried out.


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