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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 279

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 279

Fewer and fewer bidders made the call. The price was getting absurd.

“200 million dollars!” said a newcomer in the industry that no one knew. Obviously, he was a bidder the mastermind planted in the auction.

“220 million dollars.”

“240 million dollars,” a famous tycoon bode. Everyone in the hall knew him. It seemed like he was determined to buy Canary No. 9.

“290 million dollars,” said Abel.

“300 million dollars,” Benjamin followed suit. Half of their budget was gone.

“310,” The tycoon continued.


“Wait!” The emcee interrupted. “300 million dollars is beyond our transaction limit. To ensure proper payment, all buyers who bid above 300 million dollars have to pledge their assets.”

Abel gave Luca a nod and the latter went to settle the

paperwork. Benjamin did the same. Together, they pledged 600 million dollars worth of assets for Imperial Palace. If they won the bid, the price would be deducted immediately.

*350 million dollars,” the planted bidder pressed on.

“360,” said Abel Adam then looked at the planted bidder and asked him to hurry up. It was going too slow. The planted bidder got the message and the bid soared to 560 million dollars. And then, Adam beckoned his bidder to stop. If he pushed too eagerly, Abel might give up. Then Adam would have to shell out 560 million dollars for someone he already owned.


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