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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 283

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 283

When Abel saw that Adrien was calling him, he answered the call right away.


“Abel, don’t come to the hospital. The police are everywhere and they are investigating it,” said Adrien weakly.

“How are you, Adrien?”

“I’m fine. I just told the police that I was a guest there. But you’re different. You can’t show your face here.”

“Yes, I know. Thanks, Adrien.”

Abel was planning to head to the

hospital to extract the bullet from his shoulder. It seemed like that was no longer an option. After the call with Abel, Adrien then called Adam.

“Adrien? Where are you? What’s going on?”

“Beat me to it, Adam. There was a gunfight. The police are arresting the suspects. Are you safe?”

“The gunfight had nothing to do with me. It was the Palace Lord’s doing. And I’m a lawful citizen,” lied Adam.

“Good. You should stay away from the Palace Lord. In case you are thrown under the bus,” warned


“Don’t worry. I don’t deal with him. Besides, I only went to him to ask for a small favor. I do not plan to work with him in the future.”

“Good, good. I have to hang up now. The doctor will put me under to take the bullet out,” Adrien stated.

“You were shot, Adrien?” Adam was surprised to hear that.

“Yeah, on my right chest.

Fortunately, my vitals are unaffected.”


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