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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 285

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 285

Emmeline said nothing. She knew Abel would never change his mind. What she could do now was to assist Abel. She silently took out the brooch from the dress and straightened the pin behind it. Worst came to worst, if Abel couldn’t stand the pain of the operation, she knew of a way that could knock him out real quick.

Before long, Luca came with the items Abel requested.

“Help me,” commanded Abel.


“Why? You want me to take the bullet out myself?” Abel frowned.

“But Mr. Abel, I might faint.”


“I can shoot I can fight. But blood makes me faint.” Noticing the disbelief on Abel’s face, Luca continued. “My father took me to a slaughterhouse once. I fainted before the animal did.”

Abel was speechless. “Fine. I’ll do it myself.”

“I guess I can give it a try.” Luca felt bad for his employer.

“Okay. If you pass out, I’ll take over.”

“Let’s begin.” Luca removed his

blazer and rolled up his sleeves.

Abel also unbuttoned his shirt, putting his massive pecs and shoulder muscle on public display. Emmeline had seen a topless Abel before, but the sight of it still stirred something within her.

“Emma. Turn around. It will be very messy. Don’t turn your head even if you hear my voice,” cooed Abel.


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