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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 299

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 299

Julianna exclaimed in surprise, “Adrien? You were shot. Why are you not recuperating in the hospital, as you should be?”

Adrien said angrily, “If my bodyguard hadn’t told me, I would still be in the dark. Who gave you permission to bully Emmeline and the children?”

Julianna explained, “Son, don’t be a fool. I’m doing this for your sake. I’ll get those children back for you right now!”

“I wouldn’t do something like that! Why should I take those kids away from Emmeline, who went through so much to raise them?”

Julianna roared, “Have you lost your mind? They’re your children!”

Adrien pushed his mother away and stood in front of Emmeline, saying, “They are also Emma’s children. Anyway, I won’t allow anyone to bully them, not even you!”

Adrien’s unexpected arrival caught Emmeline off guard. He even confronted his mother to defend her and the kids. Her heart raced as she noticed how masculine and righteous his demeanor seemed.

“Emma, don’t be afraid.”

Adrien wrapped his uninjured arm around Emmeline and said, “I’ll look out for you and the kids. I wouldn’t let anyone bully you, not even my own mother!”

Julianna roared in rage, “Adrien,

what has gotten into you today?”

For the first time, Julianna noticed her son taking himself very seriously, like a proper man. She was not used to it. She was used to her son listening to her.

“Adrien, you can have the kids, but not this woman. Granddad is right. Emmeline is a femme fatale who would cause disaster. Look at how she’s getting you and Abel into trouble. Especially Abel, who lost 300 million and is still unsure how to make it up. His position as CEO is at stake!”

Adrien said, “Abel did it to save Emma. Even though I don’t have much money, I can still come up with between 70 and 80 million dollars in cash. I’ll support Abel.”

Abel is a foe of yours. You and your older brother are at odds with him. How can you be confused? How can you help him?”

Adrien said, “I know what I’m doing. Abel is my enemy, and he fights with me to get my woman, but he also saved Emma, so he’s my benefactor.”

“You’re driving me crazy!”

Julianna stamped her foot in a fit of rage. Her useless son had suddenly become capable, but he picked her as his first target!


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