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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 312

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 312

know you’re busy now; I’ll wait for you in the car until you’re done,” Abel said with a gentle smile.

Emmeline said with a cold expression, “I have something else to do after shooting. You don’t have to wait around for me.”

Abel was at a loss for words. He felt a tightness in his chest and furrowed his brows.

Emmeline has a very icy expression. It’s totally different from the affectionate moments we shared a few days ago. Does she feel this way because she got envious when she saw Alana visit me at home? I did nothing with Alana. I’m innocent.

Abel inquired as he attempted to take Emmeline’s hand. He asked, “Emma, what’s wrong? Is it my fault? I’m sorry.”

Emmeline said as she cast a chilly glance his way and explained, “It’s not your fault. I have to see Adrien in the hospital, and I think you should leave.”

Abel said, “What a coincidence! I’d like to go see Adrien too. Should we go together?”

Emmeline replied, “No. I don’t want Adrien and Alana to get the wrong idea about us.’

Abel felt stunned when he heard this. He asked, “Emma, what do you mean?”

Emmeline explained calmly, “I know you care about Alana’s

health. Nowadays, I care a lot about Adrien’s health too.”

Abel was briefly startled. The look in his eyes grew darker, and he wondered, “Emma, are you serious?”

“Hmm,” Emmeline nodded.

Then she clarified with a deep gaze, “I really appreciate you saving me from the Imperial Palace.”

Abel was speechless.

Why did the girl standing in front of me suddenly become so distant and cold? Her coldness and distance gave me a chill in my heart.


Abel made another effort to hold her hand. He thought it was an illusion just now, and he yearned for Emmeline’s warmth.


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