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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 32

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 32

Ha, ha, ha!” The receptionist burst into laughter. “You’re merely a delivery man; who gave you the audacity to meet our Chief Executive Officer? He’s the most loved man in Struyria. Are you crazy about him?”

“Y-Yes… I think about him every day.” Emmeline sighed.

She did not want to waste any time with the receptionist, so she took her phone out and called Benjamin. “I want you to come down now!”

“Who did you just call? I’ll admit that your acting is quite good. But didn’t I ask you to wait outside? Don’t you understand my words?” The receptionist raised her eyebrow.

“Sure, sure, sure!” Emmeline repeated herself three times before walking out of the lobby.

Benjamin suddenly spoke from behind.

“Ms. Louise!”

Emmeline turned to look at him, and she nodded at him sharply.

“Benjamin, how did you train the receptionists? Are you trying to shut down my company by hiring people like her?”

The receptionist was completely shocked upon hearing Emmeline’s words.


What did she just say?

Benjamin dashed toward Emmeline, his knees quivering at the sound of her words. He immediately clarified, “She’s newly recruited; it seems that

she’s arrogant as she can work under Adelmar Group. I’ll handle it right now!”

“Fire her right now! What’s wrong with the delivery man? Everyone should be treated equally!”

Emmeline took her helmet off as she said it sternly.

The receptionist’s face turned pale, and she fell to the ground.

Is this sassy young woman the owner of the Adelmar Group?

After arriving on the ninetieth floor, Emmeline saw a sharp and noble elder sitting in her office.

Emmeline’s eyes reddened upon seeing him; she rushed to his side and exclaimed, “Master Robert, you’re here?”

“Yes, I’m here with Waylon; he was looking around the company.” Robert smiled at her lovingly and responded.

“I would be here waiting for you if I knew that you were coming! You’re purposely tricking me!” Emmeline said so cordially.

“Ha, ha, ha! You’re the mother of three kids, but you’re still acting like a kid.” Robert chuckled as he spoke.


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